Echoes in Death (In Death 44) - Page 66

“All the victims in the same place, the same time, the same event? That means something.”

“Yeah. The killer was there, too. No way he wasn’t there. As staff, as a guest. He saw these people, and something started the wheels turning in his fucked-up head.”

As the snow fell thin and fast, Eve slid behind the wheel. “He’s going to be one of them,” she said as she pulled away from the curb. “That’s what my gut tells me. He’s one of the privileged—or he was. One or the other. He knows the lifestyle.”

“The caterer, the rental company.”

“Not a coincidence, because there aren’t any. He’s used them, or has been to events they worked. He knows someone—or someones—who work there. Well enough to pump one or more of them for information on his targets, which they give either inadvertently or incentivized by—”

Eve rubbed her thumb and fingers together.

“No matter how, we’ve connected the victims. They’re linked. It’s not random, never was. They’re specific targets who meet his specific requirements.”

She lapsed into silence, thinking, thinking, while Peabody talked to Lilia Dominick.

Peabody muted the ’link. “She says she’ll come in, if we need her, but couldn’t get there until afte

r five today. She’s swamped. But her office isn’t far from here. If we can go to her, she’ll juggle things around. Sounds cooperative,” Peabody added. “And a little harassed.”

“Tell her we’ll be there within the hour.”

Eve pulled into the hospital lot while Peabody arranged the interview.

“She’s out of her office now,” Peabody reported. “She’ll be there within thirty.”

They made their way through the hospital to Daphne’s floor, passed the desk. Eve nodded to the uniform on the door. “Officer.”

“Lieutenant. Nobody but medical types in or out. She got some soup delivered from a place called Jacko’s. The doc said you’d cleared it. Big vat of soup. She said to send me out a bowl of it. Damn good, sir.”

The uniform shifted. “She asked me to come in a couple of times this shift, Loo. Wanted me to check the bathroom, under the bed, in the closet. Laughed about it, but the laugh was put on. You know?”


“It was after one of the nurses said something about how well she was doing and how she could probably go home tomorrow. She got freaked over it, but tried not to show it.”

“Okay. Take a break, Officer. You’ve got fifteen.”

Eve stepped in.

Daphne sat in a chair by the window, listlessly swiping a tablet. Her long hair lay in a simple braid over her left shoulder. The beauty the beating had masked shined through despite the bruises.

Daphne managed what passed for a smile.

“How are you doing?” Eve asked.

“Better. I’ve been up and walking, and it hardly hurts at all. They said I could sit here, or even go down to the indoor garden. I think I might do that. Go down there. But—”


“Dr. Nobel said he would fix it so I could stay longer, but they’re saying I could go home tomorrow. I can’t go back there.”

“You don’t have to go back there.”

“I don’t know where to go.”

“You could stay with a friend.”

“I … I don’t have anyone I could stay with.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024