Devoted in Death (In Death 41) - Page 110

“They tried to wake you up, but you wouldn’t come around enough, so they went out for a while. I don’t know how long. They gave me something, I kept passing out. And then I heard them laughing and having sex. Then it got quiet. I think they’re asleep.”

She tried to lick her dry lips, but it was like sand against sand. “You don’t know how long?”

“I don’t know. They gave me something. I just don’t know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t get to the knife. I tried again, to get loose and get it, but I couldn’t.”

She’d nearly forgotten. That moment of hope felt like weeks had passed. “Your hand.”

“It doesn’t hurt as much. If I can get loose again, I might be able to get something.”

“They’re not going to hurt you, or not as much. They want you strong enough to rape me again.”

He shut his eyes. “God. Oh God. I don’t want to —”

“It doesn’t matter. I told you it doesn’t matter. But more, I heard them. They cleaned me up because they want to keep me alive for a couple days more, so you can rape me. They get off on it. I want to stay alive, so you have to do whatever they tell you to do to me. But I’m going to scream and try to struggle. I’m going to make them think it matters. You’ll know it doesn’t. They’ll keep us alive as long as they get off.”

A light came into his eyes, fierce and dark against the pallor and bruising. “I want to kill them.”

“Maybe you will.” There was a glimmer of hope in that ugly wish. “Make them think you’re weak and scared.”

“Jesus, I am weak and scared.”

“Not as much as they think. And next time you’ll get the knife.”

“Next time,” he said. “Do you have somebody? I mean, are you with somebody?”

“Not now.” She thought of Mattio. He seemed like another lifetime. She thought of Luke, and that was a comfort. Just a little comfort.

“But there’s this guy I should’ve paid more attention to. I wish I had. I want to have a chance to pay attention. He lives across the hall from me. Do you have somebody?”

“Not now,” he said and tried to smile. “But there’s this girl. I’m crazy for her, but I haven’t had the guts to make the move. I want a chance to try.”

Tears burned at her eyes. Hope hurt. “We’re going to go on a double date, right? Deal?”

“Yeah. Deal. They’re looking for us. Our friends, our family. The cops. They have to be.”

“Yeah, they’re looking for us. We’re going to do whatever it takes to stay alive until they find us. Double date,” she said, and closed her eyes.

When her time was up, Eve went back into the bull pen.

“I’m open.”

“Two minutes, Lieutenant.” Jenkinson pushed away from his desk, went to her. Today’s neckwear sported long-eared white rabbits with orange carrots on a purple background.

“Where are you getting those?” she demanded.

“You’d be surprised how easy it is. We caught one this morning.” He ran it through briefly. A bludgeoning, the lead from a CI they only half trusted and a seedy pool hall in Chinatown.

“Snitch says the guy we want frequents that establishment, but we go in asking about him, they’re going to clam it or cover him. And we get a feeling the snitch is maybe playing both ends on this. We figure we’ll go in, soft clothes, play some pool, see what’s what.”

“Do it, but don’t wear that tie. Do you know where to find the CI?”

“Oh yeah, he’s easy to find.”

“Send a couple uniforms out, have him picked up on anything they can make stick for a few hours. Keep him inside while you play pool.”

“Nice. On it. Santiago and Carmichael still fishing in Oklahoma?”

“They’ve caught a few. They should be on their way back in a few hours.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025