Dark in Death (In Death 46) - Page 117

“Get both. Goddamn world’s full of goddamn crazy people.”

The elevator doors opened; several people started to get on. Eve snarled. Several people backed off.

She repeated the process all the way to Homicide, where once again she gripped Peabody’s arm and dragged her to the bullpen. “Somebody get Peabody an ice pack and a damn blocker.”

Baxter swiveled in his chair. “You take a hit, Peabody?”

“I got decked by a flying dwarf.”

“I can’t count the times that’s happened to me.” But he rose, patted her cheek. “I’ve got you covered. Let’s get your coat off, sweetie.”

Across the bullpen, Santiago pulled open a drawer on his desk. “Got your blocker, Peabody.”

Someone else came up with a tube of water, and the reliable and earnest Trueheart trotted over with an ice pack.

Satisfied her partner would live through the morning, Eve started to turn away and walk to her office. She caught the scent of fat, yeast, sugar. Narrowed her eyes as Nadine walked in with a bakery box.

And with a rock star.

The blue line dissolved in the scent of fresh donuts.

Nadine, wisely, pushed the box at Eve and avoided a stampede. “Are you all right, Peabody?”

“I got slammed by a flying dwarf. Hit my head.”

“A flying dwarf?” Nadine repeated with a look of concern at Eve.

“It happens. What do you want, Nadine? We’re a little busy.”

“I come with baked goods, and some potential information. If you aren’t interested—”

“My office.” Eve set the box on Peabody’s desk, gave her men the hard eye. “She gets the first, or I hear about it.”

“Awww,” Peabody said as Eve stalked away.

“What information?” Eve demanded. “I’m not bullshitting about the busy, and Peabody’s eyes are still wheeling around in her head.”

“Um …” Tall, built, and handsome in a been-there-done-that sort of way, Jake glanced over his shoulder. “Where did the flying dwarf come from?”

“The elevator.” Eve headed straight for the AutoChef, as her to-go cup of coffee had splatted on the garage floor. “You’re here because I was going to look you up later, see if you could tell me anything about Glaze and Loxie Flash.”

“Actually, that’s why …” Jake trailed off as he caught sight of her murder board.

Eve programmed three coffees, gave him a once-over. “If you’re sensitive, we can take this elsewhere.”

“I wouldn’t have thought, but … that’s pretty harsh. I guess usual for you, like flying dwarfs.”

She reassessed him. She’d only met him once, under tense circumstances, and had found him steady. He had that tall, dark, dangerous look she knew some women went for. She assumed he had more going for him if Nadine was flustered over him.

He turned to Eve now, gestured toward her face with a long finger. “It looks like you took a slam, too.”

“The dwarf had feet in really hard shoes.” And her ribs ached at the moment like a bad tooth. “Sorry, crap mood.”

“Getting kicked in the face by a dwarf’s bound to sour the mood.” Jake took the coffee she offered. “Thanks. Listen, I heard about Loxie. It’s all over the everywhere. Nadine figured I should come in, talk to you.”

“Talk.” She gestured toward her visitor’s chair.

He sat, winced a little. “Does this chair have teeth?”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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