Leverage in Death (In Death 47) - Page 9

“Don’t take Mom away.”

“Never going to happen,” Eve promised.

She waited as Peabody led Melody out. If anyone could get more out of the kid, Peabody could.


“Could I have a minute? I think I want to get some tea after all.”


Eve watched her walk into the kitchen area with the careful, stiff-bodied movement of the injured.

“I’ve been knocked around a few times,” Eve began. “I hate hospitals, but sometimes you need them.”

“I can’t and won’t leave Melly. We can’t stay here, I know that. We won’t be able to live in this house.”

She began to weep. “I know it’s just a house, but it’s home. Our home, and they killed that, too. My husband, my baby’s father, the home we made together.”

She fought the tears back, swiped at her face. “I need to talk to my mother. She and my stepfather live in New Rochelle. We can stay with them until we decide what to do. Once I know Melly’s with my parents, I can see a doctor there.”

“We’ll arrange to get you to your mother’s.”

Cecily nodded as she programmed tea. “I have to keep going. I have to think of Melly first and last. Paul . . . I don’t know, I don’t know what I’m going to do without him, but I can’t think about that yet. I can’t think.”

“Can you describe the men?”

“They wore black, all black, with hoods like skullcaps. Tight over their heads, high on the neck. Thin black gloves. And the masks were white, they almost glowed in the dark. No features, slits for eyes.”

“Height, weight, build?”

“Not tall or short. Paul’s six feet exactly. Maybe about his height. Fit. Not bulky, but fit. One slimmer than the other. The one who hit me had more muscle. I . . .”

“Keep going.”

“It’s just an impression, but I think the one who hit me liked it. He liked hitting me, and watching Paul react. The other one didn’t—as much. He slapped me, but he never punched me, and it seemed like it was more because the other one was watching.”

The cup and saucer rattled in her hand when Detective Callendar walked in.

“This is Detective Callendar, with our E division,” Eve said. “We’re going to need to go through your electronics. Did your husband have a home office?”

“Yes. Second floor, directly across from the master bedroom. I can show you.”

“We’ll find it. We’d like your permission to examine any and all electronics and security systems, communication devices. We may need to take them in for further analysis.”

“Yes, anything.”

Eve moved to Callendar. “Check the security first, then the home office.”

“On it.”

“Ms. Greenspan, was there anything about their voices? Accents, syntax, colloquialisms?”

“They kept their voices low, often in whispers.”

“Okay.” Change directions, Eve thought. “How did your husband get along at work? Was he happy in his job?”

“He loved his work. He loved the company. He worked hard, but he enjoyed it. He ran the marketing department, and thought of his team like family.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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