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Ceremony in Death (In Death 5)

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Peabody jolted, didn’t manage to muffle a yelp, but neither woman acknowledged her. They continued to stare, unblinking at each other.

“Or may I call you Eve?”

“No. You can call me Lieutenant Dallas. It’s a little warm for a fire, don’t you think? And a bit early in the day for parlor tricks.”

“I like it warm. You have excellent nerves, Lieutenant.”

“I also have low tolerance for grifters and dealers and child killers.”

“Am I all of that?” Selina tapped her sharp red nails on the back of the settee, her only outward sign of annoyance in Eve’s lack of response. “Prove it.”

“I will. Where were you last night between the hours of one and three A.M.?”

“I was here, in my ritual room, with Alban and a young initiate we call Lobar. We were engaged in a private sexual ceremony from midnight until nearly dawn. Lobar is young and…enthusiastic.”

“I’ll want to talk to them both.”

“You can contact Lobar any evening between eight and eleven at our club. As for Alban, I don’t keep his schedule, but he is generally here or at the club most nights. Unless you believe in magic, Lieutenant, you’re wasting your time. I could hardly have been here, fucking two very entertaining men, and out luring poor Alice to her death.”

“Is that what you consider yourself, a magician?” Eve glanced toward the still burning fire with a mild sneer. “That’s nothing more than trickery and distraction of the eye. You can be licensed to juggle on the streets for two thousand credits a year.”

Selina’s muscles quivered as she sat forward. Her eyes were burning now, as the fire did. “I am a high priestess of the dark lord. Our numbers are legion, and I have powers that would make you weep.”

“I don’t cry easily, Ms. Cross.” Ah, a temper, Eve thought with satisfaction. And easily ruffled pride. “You’re not dealing with an impressionable eighteen-year-old girl now, or her fr

ightened grandfather. Which one of your legion called Alice last night and played a tape of chanting threats?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. And you’re beginning to bore me.”

“The black feather on the windowsill was a nice touch. Or simulated feather, I should say, but she wouldn’t have known that. Are you into droid pets, Ms. Cross?”

Idly, Selina lifted a hand, skimmed it through then down her hair. “I don’t care for…pets at all.”

“No? No cats and ravens?”

“How predictable that would be.”

“Alice believed you were a shape-shifter,” Eve said and watched as Selina smiled. “Care to give us a demonstration of that little talent?”

Selina’s nails began to tap again. Eve’s tone was as insulting as a backhanded slap. “I’m not here to entertain you. Or to be mocked by your small mind.”

“Is that what you call it? Were you entertaining Alice with cats and birds and threatening chants over her ’link? How could she feel safe in her own home? Was she such a threat to you?”

“She was nothing to me but an unfortunate failure.”

“You were seen selling illegals to Frank Wojinski.”

The abrupt switch had Selina blinking. When her lips curved now, the smile didn’t reach her eyes. “If that were true, we wouldn’t be having this discussion here in my home, but in Interview. I’m an herbalist, again licensed, and I often sell or trade perfectly legal substances.”

“Do you grow your herbs here?”

“As a matter of fact, I do, and distill my potions and medications.”

“I’d like to see them. Why don’t you show me your work area?”

“You’ll need a warrant for that, and we both know you haven’t cause for one.”

“You’re right. I guess that’s why Frank didn’t bother with a warrant.” Eve rose slowly, spoke softly. “You knew he was onto you, but did you suspect he might get in here, inside? You didn’t see that in your magic ball, did you?” Eve said when Selina’s breath shortened and thickened. “What would you think if I told you he was in your house, and he documented what he saw, and what he found.”

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