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Ceremony in Death (In Death 5)

Page 54

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f blood when she’d used it.

Imagining the shock, the fury Eve must have felt when she’d found Lobar so carefully positioned at the entrance to her own sanctuary, Selina nearly snickered. She pressed her fingers to her lips a moment, as if holding back a sob.

Alban was a genius, she thought, for truly only a genius would have created such beautiful irony.

“Visions can be a blessing or a curse.” She continued in a voice strained with weariness. “I prefer to think of them as blessings, even when they cause me sorrow. Lobar is a heavy loss.”

“Laying it thick, aren’t you?”

Selina’s head shot up, and her eyes glimmered with something more of hate than grief. “Don’t mock my feelings, Dallas. Do you think power such as mine means I don’t have them? I feel, I experience. I bleed,” she added and, with a lightning movement, raked one of her long, lethal nails over her own palm. Blood welled dark and red.

“A demonstration wasn’t necessary,” Eve said easily. “I know you bleed. Lobar certainly did.”

“His throat. Yes, that’s what I saw in the smoke.” She reached out for Alban when he came in, carrying a shallow silver bowl. “But there was more. Something else.” She took the bowl, tipped it up to her lips. “Mutilation. Oh, how they despise us.”


“The weak and the white.”

She took a black swatch of cloth from the pocket of her robe, passed it to Alban. He lifted her injured hand, raised it to his lips. With quick efficiently, he bound up her wounded palm. Selina never spared him a glance.

“Those who view our master with hate,” she continued. “And more, those who practice the magic of the foolish.”

“So, in your opinion, this was a religious murder?”

“Of course; I have no doubt.” She finished the soother, set the bowl aside. “Do you?”

“Quite a number of them; but then, I have to investigate the old-fashioned way. I can’t call up the devil and ask for a consult. Lobar was here last night.”

“Yes, until nearly three. He would have taken the mark soon.” Selina sighed, idly running her red-tipped nails up and down Alban’s arm. “One of his last acts was to join his body with mine.”

“You had sex with him last night.”

“Yes. Sex is an important part of our rituals. I chose him last night.” She shuddered again because the choice had been hers. And the deed. “Something must have told me.”

“A bird maybe. A big black bird.” Lifting a brow, Eve studied Alban. “So, it’s no problem with you to watch while other men have sex with your…companion. Most men are a little territorial. They might harbor unhealthy resentments.”

“We don’t believe in monogamy. We find it limiting and foolish. Sex is pleasure, and we don’t put restrictions on our pleasures. Consensual sex in a private home or licensed club isn’t against your laws, Lieutenant.” He smiled. “I’m sure you engage in it yourself.”

“You like to watch, Alban?”

His brows lifted. “Is that an invitation?” At Selina’s quick chuckle, he shifted and took her hand. “There, you’re feeling better now.”

“Grief passes, doesn’t it, Selina?”

“It must,” she agreed, nodding at Eve. “Life is to be lived. You’ll look for who did this, and perhaps you’ll find them. But the punishment of our master is greater and more terrible than any you could invent.”

“Your master isn’t my concern. Murder is. Since you have an interest in the deceased, maybe you’ll let me take a look around.”

“Get a warrant, and you’re welcome.” The tranq had clouded her eyes, but her voice was strong enough when she stood. “You’re more a fool than I originally thought if you believe I had anything to do with this. He was one of ours. He was loyal. It is against the law to harm a loyal member of the cult.”

“And he talked to me last night in a privacy booth. Did the smoke tell you what he told me, Selina?”

Her eyes shifted, darkened. “You’ll have to find other waters to fish in, Dallas. I’m tired, Alban. Show them out.” She glided a way, back through the arch.

“There’s nothing we can do for you, Lieutenant. Selina needs to rest.” He glanced toward the arch, worry in his eyes. “I need to tend her.”

“Got you trained, does she?” With light disdain coating her voice, Eve rose. “Do you do tricks, too?”

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