Ceremony in Death (In Death 5) - Page 98

“Don’t rush me. Magic takes time.”

Magic, Eve thought and rolled her eyes, causing Trina to hiss at her. Everybody was obsessed with magic, it seemed.

She frowned, listening to Mavis chirp happily about a new body polish that gave the skin a gold glow. “This is mag, Trina. I’ve got to try it full body. Leonardo would lap it up.”

“You can get it temp, and edible. Six flavors on the market now. Apricot’s real popular.”

Potions and lotions, Eve thought. Smoke and mirrors. Rites and rituals. She opened her eyes to slits, saw Mavis and Trina huddled over a vial of gold liquid. Mavis with her neon hair, she thought with odd affection, Trina with her pink frizz.

Weird sisters.

Weird sisters, she thought again and sat up. Trina let out another hiss.

“Back down, Dallas. You got two minutes left.”

“Mavis, you said you used to run a psychic con.”

“Sure.” Mavis fluttered her newly painted neon nails. “Madam Electra sees all, knows all. Or Ariel, the sad-eyed sprite.” She dipped her head, managed to look delicate and forlorn. “I guess I had about six grifts on that theme.”

“You could spot somebody pulling the same grift?”

“Shit, are you kidding? From three blocks with sunshades on.”

“You were good,” Eve considered. “I never saw you in that gig, but you were good in the others.”

“You busted me.”

“I’m better.” Eve flashed a smile and felt the glop on her face ooze. “Listen; there’s this place you could check out for me,” she began as Trina marched over and shoved her back into the horizontal. “Both of you,” she added, eyeing Trina.

“Hey, is this a cop deal?”


“Frigid,” Trina said and pushed Eve back toward the rinsing bowl.

“You could scope it out.” Eve squeezed her eyes shut as water flooded. “See if you can get the clerk—her name’s Jane—to talk. Give me a rundown. They don’t come clean with cops.”

“Who does?” Trina wanted to know.

“I want impressions,” Eve continued. “You’re interested in herbs, in mind expansion, love potions, sex enhancers. Soothers.”

“Illegals?” It didn’t take Mavis long to catch on. “You think they might be dealing?”

“It’s a possibility I need to confirm or eliminate. You could spot it every bit as quick as an undercover. And you could spot a grift. If they’re hosing customers. If they’re playing any cons. The money’s coming from somewhere.”

“This could rock, Mavis.” Trina grinned. “You and me, a couple of detectives. Like Sherlock and Dr. Jekyll.”

“Decent. I thought it was Dr. Holmes, though.”

Eve closed her eyes again.

Must be the fumes, she decided.

When she arrived home, Mavis and Trina were there, entertaining Roarke with their exploits. Eve scooped up the cat and followed the laughter.

“I bought this lotion to rub on,” Trina was saying. “It’s supposed to bring out the animal in men. Like pheromones.” She stuck her long arm under Roarke’s nose. “What’s it do for you?”

“If I wasn’t married to a woman who carries a weapon, I’d…” He trailed off, grinned. “Hello, darling.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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