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Rapture in Death (In Death 4)

Page 96

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“He’s an engineer, a musicologist, and a prick.” Eve took a deep breath, then related as much as she felt was necessary. As she spoke, Mavis’s tears dried up, hardening her eyes. Her bottom lip quivered once, then thinned.

“He used me to get to you, to get to Roarke. I was just a spring. Then once I’d bounced him to you, he fucked with your mind.”

“This is not your fault. Stop it,” Eve ordered when Mavis’s eyes started to shimmer again. “I mean it. I’m tired, I’m pressed, and my head is about to explode. I don’t need this soggy routine from you right now. It’s not your fault. You were used, and so was I. He was hoping for Roarke’s backing on his project. It doesn’t make me less of a cop or you less of a performer. You’re good, and you got better. He knew you could, and that’s why he used you. He’s too damn arrogant about his talent to have linked himself up with a dud. He wanted somebody who could shine. And you did.”

Mavis swiped a hand under her nose. “Really?”

It was that one word delivered with such shaky hope that made Eve realize how far Mavis’s ego had sunk. “Yeah, really. You were great, Mavis. That’s solid.”

“Okay.” She wiped at her eyes. “I guess my feelings got hurt when you didn’t hang for the act. Leonardo said I was being silly. You wouldn’t have split if you hadn’t had to split.” She took a long breath that lifted her thin shoulders, then dropped them again. “Then Jess, when he called, he laid all this stuff on me. I shouldn’t have bought into it.”

“It doesn’t matter. We’ll smooth out the rest later. I’m pressed here, Mavis. I don’t have much time to wrap this up.”

“You think he killed people?”

“I have to find out.” She looked over at the knock on her door. Peabody stepped in, hesitated.

“Sorry, Lieutenant. Should I wait outside?”

“No, I’m going.” Mavis sniffled, rose, sent Eve a watery smile. “Sorry about the flood and everything.”

“We’ll mop it up. I’ll talk to you when I can. Don’t worry about this.”

Mavis nodded, and her lowered lashes concealed the quick flare in her eyes. She intended to do more than worry.

“Everything all right here, Lieutenant?” Peabody asked when Mavis left them alone.

“Actually, Peabody, everything’s fucked.” Eve sat, tried to drill holes in her temples with her fingers to release the pressure. “Mira doesn’t think our boy has the personality profile for murder. I’ve insulted her because I’m going for another consultant. Nadine Furst is sniffing too close to the center, and I’ve just broken Mavis’s heart and shattered her ego.

Peabody waited a beat. “Well, other than that, how are things?”

“Cute.” But it did prod a reluctant smile. “Damn, give me a nice clear murder any day over this physiological crap.”

“Those were the good old days, all right.” Peabody shifted to make room as Feeney stepped in. “Well, the gang’s all here.”

“Let’s get to work. Status?” Eve asked Feeney.

“Sweepers found more discs at the suspect’s studio. So far, no matches on victims. He kept a log of his work.” Uncomfortable, Feeney shifted. Jess had been very explicit in his speculations on results, including the sexual nudge he’d given Eve and Roarke. “He names names, times, ah, suggestions. There’s no mention of any of the four dead. I’ve been through his communications system. No transmissions to or from any of the victims.”

“Well, that’s dandy.”

Feeney shifted his feet again, and his color fluctuated into a blush. “I’ve sealed the work log for your eyes only.”

Her brows knit. “Why?”

“He, ah, talks about you a lot. On a personal level.” He focused his eyes an inch over Eve’s head. “Again, he’s very explicit in his speculations.”

“Yeah, he made it clear he was overly interested in my head.”

“He isn’t just interested in that part of your anatomy.” Feeney puffed out his cheeks, blew the air out. “He considered it would be an entertaining experiment to attempt to ah. . .”


“Influence your behavior toward him . . . in a sexual manner.”

Eve let out a snort. It wasn’t just the words, but Feeney’s stiffly formal delivery. “He figured he could use his toy to get me into the sack? Great. We can lay another charge on him. Intent to sexually molest.”

“Did he say anything about me?” Peabody wanted to know and received a glare from Eve.

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