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Immortal in Death (In Death 3)

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It was a single room, narrow bed, dingy window, with a few attempts at homey with the frilly pink curtain and cheap shiny pink pillows. Eve did a quick toss, turned up an address log, a credit book with over three thousand in deposit, some framed photographs, and an expired driver’s license that listed Hetta’s last address in Jersey.

The closet was half full, and from the scarred suitcase on the top shelf, Eve judged it to be all Hetta had. She ran the ’link, made a dupe of all the calls on disc, then copied the license.

If Hetta had gone on a trip, she’d taken no more with her than walking-around credits, the clothes on her back, and her club companion’s license.

Eve wasn’t betting on it.

She called the morgue from her car ’link. ‘Run the Jane Does,’ she ordered. ‘White, blond, twenty-eight, about a hundred and thirty pounds, five foot four. Transmitting

copy of driver’s license holo.’

She was barely three blocks away, heading to Cop Central, when the answer came in.

‘Lieutenant, we got a possible match. Need dental, DNA, or prints to verify. Our possible can’t be identified by hologram. ’

‘Because?’ Eve asked, but she already knew.

‘She doesn’t have enough face left.’

The prints matched. The primary assigned to the Jane Doe handed Hetta over to Eve without a backward glance. In her office, Eve stared down at the three files.

‘Sloppy work,’ she muttered. ‘Moppett’s prints were on file from her companion’s license. Carmichael could have ID’d her weeks ago.’

‘I’d say Carmichael wasn’t much interested in a Jane Doe,’ Peabody commented.

Eve reined in the anger, flicked a glance up at Peabody. ‘Then Carmichael’s in the wrong business, isn’t she? We’ve got links here, Peabody. From Hetta to Boomer, Boomer to Pandora. What probability did you get when you ran them, asked if they were killed by the same hand?’

‘Ninety-six point one.’

‘Okay.’ Eve’s stomach jittered with relief. ‘I’m taking all of this to the PA, doing a tap dance. I may be able to talk them into dropping charges on Mavis. At least until we gather more evidence. If they don’t . . .’ She looked Peabody dead in the eye. ‘I’m leaking it to Nadine Furst for broadcast. That’s a code violation, and I’m telling you because as long as you’re attached to me and this case, you can be held equally responsible. You’re risking a possible reprimand if you stay. I can have you reassigned before this goes down.’

‘I would consider that action a reprimand, Lieutenant. An undeserved one.’

Eve said nothing for a moment. ‘Thanks. DeeDee.’

Peabody winced. ‘Don’t call me DeeDee.’

‘Fine. Take everything we have over to EDD, hand deliver personally to Captain Feeney. I don’t want this data transmitted through channels, at least not until I talk to the PA, then try a little solo investigation.’

She saw the light go on in Peabody’s eyes and smiled. She could remember what it was like to be new and have your first shot. ‘Go over to the Down and Dirty Club where Hetta worked, tell Crack, he’s the big one. Believe me, you won’t miss him. Tell him you’re mine, tell him Hetta’s a corpse. See what you can get out of him, out of anybody. Who she hung with, what she might have said about Boomer that last night, who else she spent time with. You know the drill.’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘Oh, and Peabody.’ Eve slipped the files into her bag and rose. ‘Don’t go in uniform, you’ll scare the natives.’

The PA smashed Eve’s hopes in ten minutes flat. She continued to argue for another twenty, but it was all spinning wheels. Jonathan Heartly agreed that there was a likely connection in the three homicides. He was an agreeable man. He admired her investigative work, her deductive powers, and her organized presentation of same. He admired any cop who did the job in an exemplary fashion and kept his office’s conviction rate high.

But he, and the prosecutor’s office, were not prepared to drop the charges against Mavis Freestone. The physical evidence was too strong, and the case, at this point, too solid to warrant a backpeddle.

He would, however, keep his door open. When and if Eve had another suspect, he would be more than willing to listen to her case.

‘Puss head,’ Eve muttered as she slammed into the Blue Squirrel. She spotted Nadine immediately, already in a booth and grimacing over the menu.

‘Why the hell does it always have to be here, Dallas?’ Nadine demanded the minute Eve dropped down across from her.

‘I’m a creature of habit.’ But the club wasn’t the same, she noted, not without Mavis standing onstage screeching out her incomprehensible lyrics in her latest, eye-popping costume. ‘Coffee, black,’ Eve ordered.

‘I’ll have the same. How bad can it be?’

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