Immortal in Death (In Death 3) - Page 67

He smiled. ‘I have a very poor sense of direction. Now this next design continues the theme.’

She viewed a dozen. They blurred together in her mind. Rayspan in citrus lemon, Breton lace with velvet, classic black silk. Every time Mavis oohed or aahed, Eve ordered recklessly. What was being in debt for the rest of her life compared to her closest friend’s peace of mind?

‘That’ll keep you two busy awhile.’ The minute Leonardo slipped the dress back off, Trina bundled Eve into the robe. ‘Let’s take a look at the crowning glory.’ After unwinding the turban, she pulled a wide forked comb out of her twirling curls and began to pick, smooth, and fluff.

Eve’s initial relief that she had hair to be fussed with faded quickly as she stared directly at a snaking pink spring. ‘Who does your hair, Trina?’

‘Nobody touches me but me.’ She winked. ‘And God. Take a look.’

Braced for the worst, Eve turned. The woman in the mirror was definitely Eve Dallas. At first she thought it had all been some elaborate joke, and nothing had been done at all. Then she looked closer, stepped closer. Gone were the wild tufts and stray spikes. Her hair was still casually cropped, unstructured, but it seemed to have a shape after all. And certainly it hadn’t had that pretty shine before. It followed the lines of her face nicely, the fringe of bangs, the curve at the cheeks. And when she shook her head it fell back into place obediently.

Eyes narrowed, she raked fingers through it and watched it tumble back. ‘Did you put blond in it?’

‘Nope. Natural highlights. Brought them out with Sheena, that’s all. You got deer hair.’


‘Ever seen a deer hide? It’s got all those colors from russet, brown, gold, even touches of black. That’s what you’ve got there. God’s been good to you. Trouble is, whoever’s been doing you must have been using hedge trimmers and no highlight puncher, either.’

‘It looks good.’

‘Damn right it does. I’m a genius.’

‘You look beautiful.’ Suddenly, Mavis put her face in her hands and wept. ‘You’re getting married.’

‘Oh, Christ, don’t do that, Mavis. Come on.’ Feeling helpless, Eve gave her encouraging pats on the back.

‘I’m so drunk, and I’m so happy. And I’m so scared. Dallas, I lost my job.’

‘I know, baby. I’m sorry. You’ll get another one. A better one.’

‘I don’t care. I don’t care. I’m not going to care. We’re going to have the most mag wedding, aren’t we, Dallas?’

‘You bet.’

‘Leonardo’s making me the most rocking dress. Let’s show her, Leonardo.’

‘Tomorrow.’ He came over, scooped her into his arms. ‘Dallas is tired.’

‘Oh, yeah. She needs to rest.’ Mavis let her head loll on his shoulder. ‘She works too hard. She’s worried about me. I don’t want her to worry, Leonardo. Everything’s going to be fine, isn’t it? It’s going to be fine.’

‘Just fine.’ Leonardo sent Eve one last uneasy look before he carried Mavis off.

Eve watched them go, sighed. ‘Fuck.’

‘Like that sweet little thing could bash anybody’s face in.’ Trina scowled as she gathered up her tools. ‘I hope Pandora’s burning in hell.’

‘You knew her?’

‘Everybody in the business knew her. Loathed her ever fucking guts. Right, Biff?’

‘She was born a bitch, died a bitch.’

‘Did she just use, or did she deal?’

Biff slanted a look at Trina, then shrugged. ‘She never dealt in the open, but you’d hear talk now and again that she was always well supplied. The buzz was she was an Erotica junkie. She liked sex, and she might deal to her partner of choice.’

‘Were you ever her partner of choice?’

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024