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Immortal in Death (In Death 3)

Page 81

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Eve managed to avoid Whitney by transmitting an update and steering clear of her desk. She snagged Peabody and headed out.

‘You shook Redford. You really shook him.’

‘That was the idea.’

‘It was the way you kept coming at him from different angles. Everything straight down the line at first, then pow. You tripped him up with the club.’

‘He’ll get his balance back. I still have the payment he made to Fitzgerald to pitch at him, but he’ll be more prepared. This reprieve with his lawyers.’

‘Yeah, and he won’t underestimate you again. You think he did it?’

‘I think he could have. He hated her. If we can link him to the drugs . . . we’ll see.’ So many angles to explore, Eve thought, and time was racing - racing toward Mavis’s pretrial hearing. If she didn’t have something solid within the next couple of days . . . ‘I want that unknown ID’d. I want to know the source. We find the source, we follow it.’

‘Is that when you’re going to bring Casto in? That’s a professional inquiry.’

‘He’d have better contacts. I’ll share the wealth once we have the unknown nailed.’ Her ’link beeped, and she winced. ‘Shit, shit, shit. I know that’s Whitney. I can feel it.’ She blanked her face and answered. ‘Dallas.’

‘What the hell are you doing?’

‘Sir, checking a lead. I’m en route to the lab.’

‘I left orders for you to be in my office at oh nine hundred.’

‘I’m sorry, Commander, I didn’t receive that transmission. I haven’t been to my desk. If you’ve received my report, you’ll see that I’ve been tied up in interview this morning. Subject is currently consulting counsel. I believe—’

‘Cut the tap dance, Lieutenant. I spoke with Dr. Mira a few minutes ago.’

Her skin seemed to ice over, go stiff. ‘Sir.’

‘I’m disappointed in you, Lieutenant.’ He spoke slowly, his eyes hard on hers. ‘That you would consider wasting the department’s time and manpower on such a matter. We have no intention nor desire to investigate formally, or to launch any informal inquiries into the incident. This matter is closed, and will remain closed. Is that understood, Lieutenant?’

Emotions swirled: relief, guilt, gratitude. ‘Sir, I - Yes. Understood.’

‘Very well. The leak to Channel 75 has caused major problems here.’

‘Yes, sir.’ Snap back, she ordered herself. Think of Mavis. ‘I’m sure it has.’

‘You are aware of departmental policy on unauthorized leaks to the media.’

‘Well aware.’

‘How is Ms. Furst?’

‘I thought she looked quite well on screen, Commander.’

He scowled, but there was a glint in his eye. ‘You stay on the balls of your feet, Dallas. And you be here, my office, eighteen hundred. We have a fucking press conference.’

‘Good dodge,’ Peabody congratulated. ‘And all truth, except that you told him we were en route to the lab.’

‘I didn’t say which lab.’

‘What was that other business? He seemed pretty steamed over it. Have you got something else going on? Does it hook with this?’

‘No, it’s old business. Dead business.’ Grateful to have gotten through it, Eve glided toward the gate of Futures Laboratories and Research, a subsidiary of Roarke Industries. ‘Lieutenant Dallas, NYPSD,’ she announced into the scanner.

‘You are expected, Lieutenant. Please proceed to Blue parking facility. Leave your vehicle and take transport C to the East complex, sector six, level one. You will be met.’

They were met by a lab droid, an attractive brunette with milk-white skin, clear blue eyes, and a security badge that identified her as Anna-6. Her voice was as melodious as church bells.

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