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Immortal in Death (In Death 3)

Page 83

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‘It’s the single unknown—’

‘I know the drill, Lieutenant. Here’s your little problem.’ She highlighted a series of factors. ‘You haven’t tagged it from this formula, because they coded it. What you got here’s just a bunch of jibberish. It’s what you’ve got here.’ Reaching over, she took a small slide dusted with powder. ‘Even your top labs would have a tough time fining this down. It looks like one thing, it smells like another. And when it’s all blended together as it is in this form, it’s the reaction that changes the mix. You know much about chemistry?’

‘Do I have to?’

‘If more people understood—’

‘Dr. Engrave, I want to understand murder. You tell me what it is, and let me go from there.’

‘Impatience is another problem with people today,’ Engrave huffed, then took out a small covered dish. Inside were a few drops of milky liquid. ‘Since you don’t give a rat’s skinny ass, I won’t tell you what I did. We’ll leave it that I ran some tests, did some basic chemistry, and separated your unknown.’

‘Is that it?’

‘In its liquid form, yes. I bet your lab tech told you it was some form of a valarian - southwest U.S. native species.’

Eve looked over. ‘And?’

‘He’d be close, but no cigar. It’s a plant, all right, and valarian was used in the grafting of the specimen. This is nectar, the substance that seduces the birds and bees and makes the world go round. This nectar is not from any native species.’

‘Not native to the U.S.’

‘Not native anywhere. Period.’ She reached over, picked up a potted plant, and set it down with a thud. ‘This is your baby.’

‘It’s pretty,’ Peabody said, leaning closer to the lush frillededged blooms that varied from creamy white to royal purple. She sniffed, closed her eyes, and sniffed deeper. ‘God, it’s wonderful. It’s like . . .’ Her head swam. ‘Strong.’

‘You bet your ass it’s strong. That’s enough or you’ll be buzzed for an hour.’ Engrave shoved the plant clear.

‘Peabody?’ Eve took her arm, shook. ‘Snap out of it.’

‘It’s like taking a full glass of champagne in one gulp.’ She pressed a hand to her temple. ‘It’s wonderful.’

‘An experimental hybrid,’ Engrave explained. ‘Code name Immortal Blossom. This one is fourteen months old, and it’s never stopped blooming. They were grafted in the Eden Colony.’

‘Sit down, Peabody. The nectar from this is what we’re looking for?’

‘By itself the nectar is potent and causes a reaction in bees not unlike drunkenness. They have the same sort of reaction to overripe fruit, windfall peaches for example, where the juice is highly concentrated. Unless the intake is controlled, it’s been found that the bees OD on the nectar. They just can’t get enough of it.’

‘Addicted bees?’

‘You could say that. Basically, they don’t want to go fucking the other flowers because they’re so seduced by this one. Your lab didn’t hook into it because the hybrid’s on the horticultural colonies’ restricted list, and puts it under Galactic Customs’ jurisdiction. The colony is working to alleviate this problem with the nectar, as it puts a world of hurt on the potential for export.’

‘So the Immortal Blossom is a controlled specimen.’

‘For the moment. There are some medicinal uses, and particularly cosmetic ones. Ingestion of the nectar can cause a luminescence to the skin, a rejuvenation of elasticity, and an appearance of youth.’

‘But it’s poison. Long-term use undermines the nervous system. Our lab confirmed that.’

‘So’s arsenic, but fine ladies once took it in small doses to make their skin whiter, clearer. Beauty and youth are desperate matters for some.’ Engrave shrugged her bony shoulders in dismissal. ‘In combination with the other elements in this formula, this nectar is an activator. The result is a highly addictive chemical that causes increased energy and strength, sexual desire, and the feeling of renewed youth. And since uncontrolled, these hybrids will propagate like rabbits, it has the potential to be produced cheaply and in great bulk.’

‘They’ll propagate in on planet conditions?’

‘Absolutely. The Eden Colony produces vegetation, flora, and plant life for on planet conditions.’

‘So you get a few plants,’ Eve mused. ‘A lab, the other chemicals.’

‘And you’ve got yourself an illegal with mass appeal. Pay up,’ Engrave said with a sour smile, ‘be strong, be beautiful, be young and sexy. Whoever came up with this formula knew his chemistry and his human nature and understands the beauty of profit.’

‘Fatal beauty.’

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