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Immortal in Death (In Death 3)

Page 94

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She took time for a breath and continued to speak formally. ‘Mavis Freestone’s movements during the time of this murder can be accounted for by the primary and others.’

Whitney said nothing for a moment, but kept his eyes on Eve’s face. ‘This office does not believe that Mavis Freestone is in any way connected with this murder, nor does the office of the prosecuting attorney. I have Dr. Mira’s preliminary analysis of Ms. Freestone’s testing.’

‘Testing?’ Formality forgotten, Eve sprang up. ‘What do you mean her testing? That wasn’t scheduled until Monday.’

‘It was rescheduled,’ Whitney said calmly. ‘And has been completed as of thirteen hundred hours.’

‘Why wasn’t I informed?’ Uncomfortable memories of her own experiences with Testing roiled in her stomach. ‘I should have been there.’

‘It was in the best interest of all parties involved that you were not.’ He held up a hand. ‘Before you lose your temper and risk insubordination, let me tell you that Dr. Mira clearly states in her report that Ms. Freestone passed all testing. The truth detector indicates her veracity in her statements. As to the other elements, Dr. Mira feels that the subject is highly unlikely to have exhibited the extreme violence with which Pandora was killed. Leaving out the hundred-credit words, Dr. Mira recommends the charges against Ms. Freestone be dropped.’

‘Dropped.’ The backs of Eve’s eyes burned as she sat again. ‘When?’

‘The prosecutor’s office is taking Dr. Mira’s report under advisement. Unofficially, I can tell you that unless other data come to light that disproves her analysis, the charges will be withdrawn on Monday.’ He watched Eve block most of a shudder, approved her control. ‘The physical evidence is strong, but outweighed at this point by Mira’s report and the evidence gathered in the investigation of the allegedly connected deaths.’

‘Thank you.’

‘I didn’t clear her, Dallas, nor have you, but you’ve come damn close. Get the bastard, and soon.’

‘I intend to.’ Her communicator beeped. She waited for Whitney’s nod before she answered. ‘Dallas.’

‘Got your damn rush order.’ Dickie scowled at her. ‘Like I got nothing else to do.’

‘Whine later. What have we got?’

‘Your latest corpse had a nice ride on Immortality before he bought it. Just before, is my guess. Don’t think he had time to enjoy it.’

‘Transmit the report to my office,’ she said and cut him off before he could complain. She was smiling as she rose this time. ‘I have this thing I have to go to tonight, and I think I might be able to tie a few things up.’

Chaos, panic, and tattered nerves seemed to be as much a part of a high-fashion runway show as needle-thin models and glitzy fabrics. It was intriguing and amusing to watch the players assume their roles. The pouty-lipped mannequin who found fault with every accessory, the rabbit-paced dresser who wore glinting needles and pins in a tuft of her hair, the stylist who swept down on models like a soldier pumped for battle, and the hapless creator of all the glitz who stood by amid the swirl, wringing his huge hands.

‘We’re running behind. We’re running behind. I need Lissa out in the cotton swirler in two minutes. The music’s on pace, but we’re running behind.’

‘She’ll be there. Jesus, Leonardo, get a grip.’

It took Eve a moment to recognize the stylist. Trina’s hair was in sharp ebony spikes that could gouge an eye at three paces. But the voice gave her away, and Eve watched, letting herself be elbowed back by another frantic dresser as Trina glopped something that looked distressingly like come onto a streaked mane before squishing it into a smooth cone shape.

‘What are you doing there?’ A man with owl eyes and a knee-length cape bore down on Eve like a snapping terrier. ‘Get out of those clothes, for God’s sake. Don’t you know Hugo’s out front?’

‘Who’s Hugo?’

The man made a sound like escaping gas and reached out to tug off Eve’s T-shirt.

‘Hey, buddy, you want to keep those fingers?’ She smacked them away and glowered at him.

‘Get naked, get naked. We’re running out of time.’

Threats made no dent and he snatched at the snap of her jeans. She considered decking him, then pulled out her shield instead. ‘You can back off, or I can haul your ass in for assaulting an officer.’

‘What are you doing here? We have our license. We paid our revenue. Leonardo, there’s a cop here. I simply can’t be expected to deal with police.’

‘Dallas.’ Mavis hurried over, varicolored fabric draped over her arm. ‘You’re really in the way here. Why aren’t you out front? Christ, why are you still dressed like that?’

‘I didn’t have time to go back and change.’ Absently Eve tugged at her stained shirt. ‘Are you all right? I didn’t know they’d rescheduled your tests, or I’d have been there.’

‘I got through it. Dr. Mira was mag, but let’s just say I’m glad it’s over. I don’t want to talk about it,’ she said quickly, and looked around the disordered and crowded space. ‘At least not now.’

‘Okay. I want to see Jerry Fitzgerald.’

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