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Immortal in Death (In Death 3)

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‘Were you and Justin smart enough not to contact each other since the fight? I don’t think he’s got your control, Jerry. In fact, I’m banking on it. We’ll have the transmission records by morning.’

‘So what if he called me? So what?’ Jerry raced to the doorway as Eve strolled away. ‘It doesn’t prove anything. You’ve got nothing.’

‘I’ve got another dead body.’ Eve paused, looked back. ‘I don’t suppose either one of you are going to alibi each other for last night, are you?’

‘Bitch.’ Incensed, Jerry heaved the glass, catching a hapless dresser in the shoulder. ‘You’re not hanging anything on me. You’ve got nothing.’

As the noise and confusion of backstage rose to a new level, Mavis shut her eyes. ‘Oh, Dallas. How could you? Leonardo needs her for ten more changes.’

‘She’ll do her job. She wants the spotlight too much not to. I’m going to find Roarke.’

‘He’s out front,’ Mavis said wearily as Leonardo rushed over to soothe his star. ‘Don’t go out there looking like that. Put this on. It’s already been run. Without the overdress and the scarves, no one will recognize it.’

‘I’m just going to—’

‘Please. It would mean a lot if you were wearing one of his designs out front. It’s a simple line, Dallas. And I’ll find some shoes that fit you somewhere.’

Fifteen minutes later, with her torn clothes stuffed in her bag, Eve spotted Roarke in the front row. He was applauding politely as a trio of large-breasted models jiggled wildly in transparent rompers.

‘Great. Just what we want to see women wearing when they walk down Fifth.’

Roarke lifted a shoulder. ‘Actually, a great many of his designs are very attractive. And I wouldn’t mind seeing you in that number on the right.’

‘Keep dreaming.’ She crossed her legs and the flow of black satin over them whispered in response. ‘How long do we have to stay?’

‘Until the bitter end. When did you buy this?’ He ran a fingertip over the narrow straps draped over her biceps.

‘I didn’t. Mavis made me put it on. It’s one of his without the frills.’

‘Keep it. It suits you.’

She only grunted. Her torn jeans suited her mood a great deal better. ‘Ah, here comes the diva.’

Jerry glided out, and at each step of her dainty glass shoes, the runway exploded into color. Eve paid little attention to the billowing balloon skirt and sheer bodice that caused such a furor of approval from the attendees. She watched Jerry’s face, and only her face as fashion critics murmured busily into their recorders and dozens of buyers ordered frantically from their porta-links.

Jerry’s face was serene as she waved aside dozens of muscular young men who prostrated themselves in front of her. She sold the outfit with graceful twists and turns and clever choreography that had her stepping nimbly onto a pyramid of hard male bodies.

The crowd applauded. Jerry posed, then aimed icy blue eyes at Eve.

‘Ouch,’ Roarke murmured. ‘I’d say that was a direct hit. Is there something I should know?’

‘She’d like to rip my face off,’ Eve said mildly. ‘My mission has been a success.’ Satisfied, she sat back and prepared to enjoy the rest of the show.

‘Did you see? Dallas, did you see?’ After a quick pirouette, Mavis threw her arms around Eve. ‘At the finale they actually stood up for him. Even Hugo.’

‘Who the hell is Hugo?’

‘He’s only the biggest name in the business. He cosponsored the show, but that was with Pandora. If he’d pulled out - well, he didn’t, thanks to Jerry stepping in. Leonardo’s on his way. He can pay back his debts. The orders are already pouring in. He’ll have his own showroom now, and in a few months, they’ll be Leonardo’s everywhere.’

‘That’s great then.’

‘Everything’s working out.’ Mavis fussed with her face in the mirror of the ladies’ lounge. ‘I have to find another gig, and I’ll wear his designs exclusively. Things are going to go back to the way they should be. They are, aren’t they, Dallas?’

‘They’re heading that way. Mavis, did Leonardo go to Jerry Fitzgerald, or the other way around?’

‘For the show? He went to her originally. Pandora suggested it.’

Wait, Eve thought, how did I miss this step? ‘Pandora wanted him to ask Jerry to model in his show?’

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