Immortal in Death (In Death 3) - Page 102

‘I’ll remind you that my blend of coffee isn’t cheap.’

‘Peabody takes hers light. Hold it.’ She grabbed his arm, tugged him back toward the bushes. ‘Wait for it,’ Eve murmured as a car shot down the street. It squealed to a halt, did a fast vertical to squeeze into a top-level parking spot. Impatient maneuvering knocked bumpers. A woman in shimmering silver strode down the ramp to the sidewalk.

‘There’s our girl,’ Eve said quietly. ‘She didn’t waste any time.’

‘You called it, Lieutenant,’ Peabody commented.

‘Looks like.

Now why would a woman who has recently gone through an uncomfortable, inconvenient, and potentially embarrassing situation, run straight to a man she’s just broken up with, accused of cheating, and who popped her in the face? All in public.’

‘Sadomasochistic tendencies?’ Roarke suggested.

‘I don’t think so,’ Eve said, appreciating him. ‘It’s S and M all right, but it stands for sex and money. And lookie here, Peabody, our heroine knows the back way in.’

With one careless glance over her shoulder, Jerry headed straight for the maintenance entrance, keyed in a code, and disappeared inside.

‘I’d say she’s done that before.’ Roarke laid a hand on Eve’s shoulder. ‘Is that enough to break their alibi?’

‘It’s a damn good start.’ Reaching in her bag, she took out surveillance goggles. She strapped them on, adjusting the power as she focused on Justin Young’s windows. ‘Can’t see him,’ she murmured. ‘No one’s in the living area.’ She shifted her head. ‘Bedroom’s empty, but there’s a flight bag open on the bed. A lot of doors closed. No way to get a view of the kitchen and rear entrance from here, damn it.’

She put her hands on her hips and kept scanning. ‘There’s a glass of something on the table by the bed, and a light playing. I’d say his bedroom screen’s on. There she is now.’

Eve’s lips stayed curved as she watched Jerry storm into the bedroom. The goggles were powerful enough to give her a clear close-up of undiluted fury. Jerry’s mouth was moving. She reached down, plucked off her shoes, heaved them.

‘Temper, temper,’ Eve murmured. ‘She’s calling for him, throwing things. Enter the young hero, stage left. Well, I’ve got to say, he’s built.’

With her own goggles in place, Peabody let out a low hum of agreement.

Justin was buck naked, his skin beaded with water, his gilded hair sleeked with it. Apparently Jerry was unimpressed. She raged at him, shoved while he held up his hands, shook his head. The argument grew heated, dramatic, Eve mused, with lots of arm gestures, tossing heads. Then it changed tones abruptly. Justin was tearing off Jerry’s ten-thousand-dollar silver gown as they fell on the bed.

‘Aw, isn’t that sweet, Peabody? They’re making up.’

Roarke tapped Eve’s shoulder. ‘I don’t suppose you have another pair of them.’

‘Pervert.’ But since it seemed only fair, she tugged the goggles off, handed them to him. ‘You may be called as a witness.’

‘How? I’m not even here.’ He slipped the goggles on, adjusted them. After a moment, he shook his head. ‘They’re not terribly imaginative, are they? Tell me, Lieutenant, do you spend much time watching fornication during surveillance?’

‘There’s nothing much a human being can do to another I haven’t watched.’

Recognizing the tone, he slipped the goggles off, handed them back. ‘It’s a miserable job. I’d have to agree that murder suspects aren’t entitled to privacy.’

She jerked a shoulder and readjusted the goggles. It was imperative to find the humor again. She knew some cops got off peeking into bedroom windows, and misuse of the goggles was rampant on all levels. She considered them a tool, an important one, no matter how often their use was challenged in the courts.

‘Looks like the finale,’ she said blandly. ‘I have to appreciate their speed.’

Justin, levered on his elbows, plunged into her. With her feet planted firmly on the mattress, Jerry pumped her hips to meet him. Their faces shone with sweat, and tightly closed eyes added twin expressions of agony and delight. When he collapsed on her, Eve started to speak.

She held her tongue as Jerry’s arms came up, cuddled. Justin nuzzled Jerry’s neck. They held each other, stroking, cheek brushing cheek.

‘I’ll be damned,’ Eve muttered. ‘It’s not just sex. They care.’

More than the animal lust, the very human affection was difficult to watch. They separated briefly, sat up together with legs companionably tangled. He smoothed her tangled hair. She turned her face into the palm of his hand. They began to talk. From the expressions on their faces, the tone was serious, intense. At one point, Jerry lowered her head, weeping.

Justin kissed her hair, her brow, then got up and crossed the room. From a minifriggie, he took a slim glass bottle and poured a glass of dark blue liquid.

His face was grim as she snatched it from his hand, downed it in one quick gulp.

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024