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Vengeance in Death (In Death 6)

Page 63

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"Oh, Leonardo." She wrapped her arms around him, as far as they would go. "You always say that."

"It's always true. Turtle dove."

She giggled, then spun around, the feathers decorating her breasts and shoulders fluttering. "So, anyhow, we came to give Summerset our moral support."

"I'm sure he appreciates it." Since she could see no immediate escape, Eve reached for the wine herself. "Dr. Mira?"

"I'll wait for the tea, thank you. Mavis, is that one of Leonardo's designs you're wearing?"

"Absolutely. Frigid, isn't it?" She turned a circle in a flourish and had her currently lavender locks bouncing. "You should see the mag rags he's got going for spring. He's got a show in Milan coming up."

"I'd love to show you a preview of my corporate woman line, Dr. Mira," Leonardo offered.

"Well…" Mira ran her tongue around her teeth, eyeing Mavis's feathers, then, catching Eve's exaggerated eye roll, chuckled. "I don't know if I'm as creative a model as Mavis."

"Just a different style." Leonardo's smile was sweet and guileless. "You'd want classic lines, cool colors. I have some marvelous linen in a dusky pink that would be perfect for you."

"Dusky pink," Mira repeated, intrigued.

"Leonardo does the conservative jazz really well,'' Mavis chimed in. "Sexy lady of the manor, you know."

"I might just have a look at that." Sexy lady of the manor, Mira thought and smiled.

"There he is!" Mavis made a leap forward as Summerset rolled in a cart laden with a tea service, neat squares of apple pie, and rounds of frosted cakes. His color rose when Mavis locked herself and her feathers around him. "We're behind you, Summerset. Don't you worry about a thing. Eve's the best there is. She took care of everything when I was in trouble. She'll look out for you."

"I'm sure the lieutenant will settle the matter." His gaze flicked to Eve. "One way or the other."

"Come on, lighten the load." Mavis squeezed him. "Have a drink. Want some wine?"

His eyes softened as his gaze returned to Mavis's eager face. "Thank you, but I have duties."

"He doesn't know if he wants to pat

her head or jump her bones," Eve muttered to Mira, causing the doctor to muffle a laugh into a cough.

"Roarke will be down momentarily," Summerset continued. "He's completing an interstellar transmission."

Mavis caught up to him in the hall, tugged on his arm until he stopped and turned. "Listen, I know what you're feeling. Been there, you know." She offered a quick, crooked smile. "When I was scared, when they put me in a cage and part of me thought they'd just leave me there, forever, you know, I got through it because I knew Dallas wouldn't let it happen. I knew she'd do it for me, no matter what it took."

"Her affection for you is one of her finest qualities."

"And you figure because the two of you don't rub smooth she'll let things slide?" Her eyes, colored to match her hair were round and sad. "That's jerk thinking, Summerset. Dallas'll work till she drops to do right by you, and I figure you know it. If somebody came after you, she'd step between and take the hit, because that's who she is. I figure you know that, too."

"I've done nothing." He spoke stiffly now, refusing to acknowledge any shame. "I would expect an efficient detective to deduce that, whatever her personal feelings."

"You're down," Mavis said gently. "You want to ventilate sometime, just give me a call." She teetered onto her toes to kiss his cheek. "I'll bring the brew."

"Your young man is very fortunate in you," Summerset managed then hurried down the hallway and disappeared through an open door.

"That was well done. Mavis." Roarke continued down the steps now and crossed to her to take her hands.

"He's bummed flat. Who can blame him?"

"And who could stay flat with you around?"

"It's like my mission to bubble things up. Let's see what we can do with the group in the parlor." She slid a smile up at him. "Am I staying for dinner?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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