Vengeance in Death (In Death 6) - Page 69

"Lights out," he ordered, and willed himself to follow Eve into sleep.

• • •

It was the beep of an incoming transmission that woke them both three hours later. Roarke swore when Eve jerked up and the top of her head caught him smartly on the jaw.

"Oh, sorry." She rubbed her head. "Is that yours or mine?''

"Mine." Gingerly he rotated his jaw. "It's a warning alarm. I have a conference call set up for six-thirty."

"I've got McNab and Peabody here at seven. Christ." She scrubbed her hands over her face and, when her fingers dipped below her eyes, studied him. "How come you never look ragged in the morning?"

"Just one of those little gifts from God." He scooped back his hair, which managed to look sexily tousled. "I'll shower in here, save time. I should be finished up with this call by the time McNab gets here. I'd like to work with him this morning."


"The transmission didn't come from this house. So I have an electronic leak somewhere. I know the setup here, in and out. He doesn't." He added a bit of charm to his smile. "I've worked with Feeney."

"That's different." But since she couldn't explain how it was different, she shrugged. "McNab has to clear it. I won't order him to work with a civilian."

"Fair enough."

• • •

By eight, Eve had Peabody installed in a temporary office down the hall from her own. It was actually a small and elegant sitting room off a sweeping guest bedroom, but it was equipped with a tidy little communication and information center for the convenience of overnight associates who often visited.

Peabody gawked at the original pen-and-ink drawings covering the walls, the hand-knotted area rug, the deep silver cushions spread over an S-shaped settee.

"Pretty grand work space."

"Don't get used to it," Eve warned. "I want to be back at Central by next week. I want this closed."

"Sure, but I'll just enjoy this while it lasts." She'd already eyed the mini AutoChef and speculated on what it might offer. "How many rooms are in this place?"

"I don't know. Sometimes I think they mate at night and make more little rooms that grow into big rooms, and mate at night—" Eve stopped herself, shook her head. "I didn't get much sleep. I'm punchy. I've got data here that needs a fresh eye and organizing."

"I got eight straight. My eye's fresh."

"Don't be smug." Eve pinched the bridge of her nose. "This data is unofficial, Peabody, but I think our man's in here, somewhere. There's a temporary block on this computer so that your work will bypass CompuGuard. I'm working on a way around that, but until I figure it out, there's no fancy way to put this. I'm asking you to break the law."

Peabody considered for a moment. "Is that AutoChef fully stocked?"

Eve had to smile. "Around here? They always are. I have to get something to Whitney by this afternoon. I'm putting what I can together. Since this guy doesn't wait long between hits, we're in a squeeze."

"Then I better get to work."

Eve left her to it, but when she walked into her office, she found McNab and Roarke huddled together. The snazzy black armor of her computer was on the floor. Its guts were exposed, its dignity in ruins. Her desk 'link was in several unidentifiable pieces.

"What the hell are you two doing?"

"Men's work," Roarke said and flashed her a grin. His hair was tied back, his sleeves rolled up, and he looked to be having the time of his life.

She would have mentioned men and their toys, but decided it would be a waste of breath.

"If you don't get this back together, I'm taking over your office."

"Help yourself. You see here, Ian? If we interface this it should open the whole system long enough for us to see if there's a leak."

"Don't you have a thing that does that?" she demanded. "A scanner?"

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024