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Vengeance in Death (In Death 6)

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"He fixed that for you, too. Created Audrey for you. You had money, plenty of it to pour into your project. And you had patience, patience enough to wait, to plan, to fine down the details. He doesn't have as much patience as you, Audrey. What do you suppose he'll do now, without you to guide him?"

"He'll be fine. He'll finish what he's begun. He was born for it."

"You think you programmed him that well? I hope you're right because when he comes in for the next round, I'll break him. He's got more equipment stashed, hasn't he? Not far from here."

Audrey smiled, sipped her tea. "You'll never find him in your big, filthy city. Your Sodom and Gomorrah. But he'll know where you are, you and your lover with the bloody hands. I did my part, God is my witness to that. I sacrificed, I offered it all up when I let that fool Summerset touch me. Not too much touching, for Audrey's a dignified woman, and I wanted the man to keep coming back. He wanted me, oh yes, he did. Quiet evenings in his quarters, listening to music and painting."

"And you planting bugs."

"Easy enough, he was blind where I was concerned. I told him the painting I gave him belonged on that wall in the bedroom, and so he put it there. And we could watch him, know what he did and when he did it. He made a fine pawn for my Liam."

"Did you tell Liam to rig my car?" Eve smiled when she saw Audrey's lips thin. "I didn't think so. You're too subtle for such things, and you didn't want me taken out so early. He did that on his own. He's got a trigger that slips if you're not right there to control it. You're not there now."

"He did penance for that. He won't stray from the path again."

"Won't he? Or will he screw up now, walk right into my hands? It could get ugly, Audrey. He could be killed. You could lose him. If you tell me where he is, I can take him alive. I can promise you that he won't be hurt."

"Do you think I want him living out his life in a cage, in an institution?'' She rose out of her seat, leaning forward. "I'd rather he die, like a man, a martyr, with righteous vengeance in his heart, with the blood of his father at last at peace. Honor thy father and mother. The wisest of the commandments, for they bring you life. He won't forget it. He won't forget it, I promise you. He'll be thinking of it when he finishes what he started."

• • •

"There's no moving her," Eve said to Whitney when Audrey was removed to a cell. "She won't give him up even to save him, and she'll cheer if he dies finishing what she started."

"She'll be tested, most likely live out her life in a facility for people with violent tendencies and mental defectives."

"She's not as crazy as she pretends, and it's not enough. The kid might have had a chance. You never know, he might have become something else without her ugly mothering."

"There's no changing the past. Go home, Dallas. You've done all you can do tonight."

"I'll just check in with Feeney first."

"No need. He and McNab have that situation under control. If they break through and locate his other cache of equipment, they'll contact you. Go home, Lieutenant," he repeated before she could make an excuse. "You've got to be running on empty by now. Refuel, start again in the morning."

"Yes, sir." It was after nine p.m. in any case, she thought as she headed down to the garage. She'd go home, eat, find out what Roarke had uncovered on his end. Maybe if they ran names again with Roarke's equipment they'd find a few probable locations.

It was a big city for someone who wanted to hide. And if he didn't yet know about his mother…Eve engaged the 'link. "Nadine Furst, Channel 75."

"This is Nadine Furst, I'm not in this location, please leave a message or contact me via e-mail or fax."

"Transfer call to home residence. Damn it, Nadine, what are you doing taking a night off?"

"Hello. This is Nadine. I'm unavailable right now. If you'd—"

"Shit. Nadine, if you're screening, pick up. I've got a ratings buster for you."

"Why didn't you say so?" Nadine's face popped on screen. "Working late, Dallas?"

"Later than you."

"Hey, humans occasionally take an evening off."

"We're talking about reporters, not humans. You'll want to get this on air tonight. Police have made an arrest in the matter of the recent series of homicides. Mary Patricia Calhoun, also known as Audrey Morrell, is in custody tonight as an accessory to the murders of Thomas X. Brennen, Shawn Conroy, and Jennie O'Leary. She is also charged with accessory before and after the fact in the attempted murder of Patrick Murray."

"Hold it, hold on, I've barely got my recorder going."

"First and last chance," Eve said without sympathy. "Authorities are looking for her son, Liam Calhoun, in connection with these crimes. Call Public Relations at Cop Central if you want pictures of the alleged murderers."

"I will. I want a one-on-one with the mother tonight."

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