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Holiday in Death (In Death 7)

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"Well, I had planned on a quiet e

vening of tri-level chess, but if that's what you really want to do ..."

It felt awfully good, Eve thought as she broke transmission, to really laugh.

So it shouldn't have surprised her to find not only the car but Roarke there when she got to Simon's building. "You could've sent it with a droid."

"Did you think I would?"

"No." She pushed a hand at her hair. "And I don't think you're going to agree to wait in the car until I'm done in there either."

"See how well we know each other." He reached in the pocket of his gorgeous topcoat, took out a small enameled box, and removed a tiny blue pill. "Open up."

When she frowned and firmed her lips into an uncooperative line, he only lifted an eyebrow. "It's a simple blocker, Eve. You'll think more clearly without the headache."

"No funny stuff?"

"None. Open." He took her chin when she opened her mouth, then used his hand to close it again after he'd dropped the pill on her tongue. "Swallow it, there's a good girl."

"Bite me."

"Darling, I've thought of nothing else all day. I brought your backup field kit."

"Well, one of us is thinking clearly. Thanks," she said when he got it out of the car. "I've got him cold," she added as they started into the building. "Physical evidence, eyewitness, motivation, opportunity, the works."

"You can add the fact that the enhancement case he left behind in Piper Hoffman's apartment is a one of a kind. He ordered it custom-made." Roarke ran a hand over the back of Eve's neck, rubbing lightly to help the blocker along. "My company offers that option to licensed cosmeticians."

"Great. Now all I have to do is find him."

"He hasn't checked into a hotel." Roarke smiled at her. "McNab's been very busy. No hotel, and no private lodging -- at least that he could access on a day where no one wants to work."

"Tell me about it. I walked into an orgy at the lab."

"And we weren't invited. That's insulting."

"I have a feeling an invite might have included the rare treat of seeing Dickhead naked." She took out her master and bypassed the police seal and block on the door of 35. "That's something I really don't want for Christmas. You gotta seal up if you're coming in."

Roarke glanced at the can with a hefty sigh. "Can't the department use something with a more pleasant odor?" But he coated his hands, his shoes, then waited for Eve to do the same.

"Record on. Dallas, Lieutenant Eve entering subject Simon's personal residence, December twenty-four, sixteen twelve. Investigating officer accompanied by Roarke, civilian, in capacity of temporary aide."

She entered, ordered lights, then simply stood and studied the room. It wasn't quite so neat now. The CS team had done its work and left a fine sheen on surfaces while checking for prints and trace evidence. The sweepers had shoved furniture out of place, upended cushions, removed art from the walls. The 'link had been disconnected and taken in.

"Since you're here," she said to Roarke, "poke around. Anything that strikes you, call me. I'm going to do the bedroom."

She'd barely started on the closet when Roarke came in, holding a disc between his thumb and forefinger. "This struck me, Lieutenant."

"Where the hell did you find that? They should have swept all the discs into evidence."

"Holiday help, what can you do? It was sealed inside a hologram frame -- I assume the woman in the holo was his mother. It seemed the sentimental choice of hiding places."

"I've got nothing to run it on. They took all the electronics. I'll need to go in and ..."

Her voice trailed off as Roarke took a slim black case out of his pocket, swiveled the lid, and opened it to reveal a small screen. "New toy," he said as she frowned at it. "We weren't able to get all the bugs out for the Christmas market. It'll be ready for the President's Day sales."

"Is it safe? I can't have that disc damaged."

"I reworked this unit personally. It's a little jewel." He slipped the disc into a slot, lifted a brow again. "Shall I?"

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