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Midnight in Death (In Death 7.50)

Page 17

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“I’m not your concern.”

“Of course you are, Eve,” Mira said quietly, watching the storm of emotions in Eve’s eyes. “Just as I’m yours. And my family downstairs is mine. They’re not safe.”

“I’ll see to it. I’ll see to them.”

Mira nodded, closed her eyes briefly. “It would be a great relief to me to know they were away from here, and protected. It’s difficult for me to cope when I’m worried about their welfare.”

“He won’t touch them. I promise you.”

“I’ll take your word. Now as to my status—”

“I didn’t give you multiple choices, Dr. Mira.”

“Just a moment.” Composed again, Mira picked up her tea. “I think you’ll agree…I have every bit as much influence with your superiors as you do. It would hardly serve either of us to play at tugging strings. I’m not being stubborn or courageous,” she added. “Those are your traits.”

A ghost of a smile curved her mouth when Eve frowned at her. “I admire them. You’re also a woman who can see past emotion to the goal. The goal is to stop David Palmer. I can be of use. We both know it. With my family away I’ll be less distracted. And I can’t be with them, Eve, because if I am I’ll worry that he’ll harm one of them to get to me.”

She paused for a moment, judged that Eve was considering. “I have no argument to having guards here or at my office. In fact, I want them. Very much. I have no intention of taking any unnecessary chances or risks. I’m just asking you to let me do my work.”

“You can do your work where I put you.”

“Eve.” Mira drew a breath. “If you put both me and Justine out of his reach, there’s the very real possibility he’ll take someone else.” She nodded. “You’ve considered that already. He won’t come for you until he’s ready. You’re the grand prize. If no one else is accessible, he’ll strike out. He’ll want to keep to his timetable, even if it requires a substitute.”

“I’ve got some lines on him.”

“And you’ll find him. But if he believes I’m accessible, if I’m at least visible, he’ll be satisfied to focus his energies on getting through. I expect you to prevent that.” She smiled again, easier now. “And I intend to do everything I can to help you.”

“I can make you go. All your influence won’t matter if I toss you in restraints and have you hauled out of here. You’ll be pissed off, but you’ll be safe.”

“I wouldn’t put it past you,” Mira agreed. “But you know I’m right.”

“I’m doubling your guards. You’re wearing a bracelet. You work here. You’re not to leave the house for any reason.” Her eyes flashed when Mira started to protest. “You push me on this, you’re going to find out what it feels like to wear cuffs.” Eve rose. “Your guards will do hourly check-ins. Your ’link will be monitored.”

“That hardly makes me appear accessible.”

“He’ll know you’re here. That’s going to have to be enough. I’ve got work to do.” Eve started for the door, hesitated, then spoke witho

ut turning around. “Your family, they matter to you.”

“Yes, of course.”

“You matter to me.” She walked away quickly, before Mira could get shakily to her feet.


Eve headed to the lab from Mira’s. From there she planned a stop by the morgue and another at Carl Neissan’s before returning to her home office.

Remembering Mira’s concern about family, Eve called Roarke on her palm-link after she parked and started into the building.

“Why are you alone?” was the first thing he said to her.

“Cut it out.” She flashed her badge at security, then headed across the lobby and down toward the labs. “I’m in a secured facility, surrounded by rent-a-cops, monitors, and lab dorks. I’ve got a job to do. Let me do it.”

“He’s gotten three out of six.”

She stopped, rolled her eyes. “Oh, I get it. Shows what kind of faith you have in me. I guess being a cop for ten years makes me as easy a fish as a seventy-year-old judge and a couple of soft lawyers.”

“You annoy me, Eve.”

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