Midnight in Death (In Death 7.50) - Page 35

“Okay, Dave, but I intend to verify that Doctor Mira is unharmed. Are you hurt, Doctor?”

“No.” And she’d managed so far to hold back hysteria. “He hasn’t hurt me. And I don’t think he will. You won’t hurt me, will you, David? You know I want to help you. I understand how difficult all this has been for you, not having anyone who appreciates what you’ve been working to achieve.”

“She’s really good, isn’t she?” he said to Eve. “So soothing. Since I don’t want to show her any disrespect—you’ll note I didn’t remove her clothing for our little experiment—maybe you should tell her to shut the fuck up. Would you mind, Dallas?”

“Dave and I need to handle this, Dr. Mira.” Eve moved closer. “Don’t we, Dave? It’s you and me.”

“I’ve waited for this for so long. You can see I’ve gone to quite a bit of trouble.” He gestured with his free hand. “Maybe you’d like a drink, an hors d’oeuvre. We have a celebration going on. The end of the old, the birth of the new. Oh, and before I jam that wire you’re wearing, tell the backup team that if anyone attempts entry, you both die.”

“I’m sure they heard you. And they already have orders to hold back. You said to come alone,” she reminded him. “So I did. I always played it straight with you.”

“That’s right. We learned to trust each other.”

“Why stop now? I’ve got a deal for you, Dave. A trade. Me for Mira. You let her out of there, you let her go, and I’ll get in. You’ll have what you want.”

“Eve, don’t—” Mira’s composure started to slip.

“This is between me and Dave.” She kept her eye on him, level and cool. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? To put me in a cage, the way I put you in one. You’ve been thinking about it for three years. You’ve been planning it, working for it, arranging it step by step. And you did a damn good job this time around. Let her go, Dave. She was just bait, you got me here by using her. Let her go and I’ll put down my weapon. I’ll get in, and you’ll have the kind of subject you’ve always wanted.”

She took another step toward him, watching his eyes now, watching them consider. Desire. “She’s a shrink, and she’s not in the kind of condition I’m in—mental or physical. She sits at a desk and pokes into other people’s minds. You start on her, she’ll go down fast, give you no satisfaction. Think how long I’ll last. Not just hours, days. Maybe weeks if you can hold the outside team off that long. You know it’s going to end here, for both of us.”

“Yes, I’m prepared for that.”

“But this way, you can get your payback and finish your work. Two for one. But you have to let her out.”

Music crashed out of the entertainment unit. On screen the revelers in Times Square swarmed like feverish ants.

“Put down the weapon now.”

“Tell me it’s a deal.” She held her breath, lifted her weapon, aimed it at the center of his body. “Tell me it’s a deal or I take you down. She goes, but I live. And you lose all around. Take the deal, Dave. You’ll never get a better one.”

“I’ll take the deal.” All but quivering with excitement, he rubbed a hand over his mouth. “Put the weapon down. Put it down and move away from it.”

“Bring the cage down first. Bring it down to the floor so I know you mean it.”

“I can still kill her.” But he reached out to the console, touched a switch. The cage began to sway and lower.

“I know it. You’ve got the power here. I’ve just got a job. I’m sworn to protect her. Unlock the cage.”

“Put the weapon down!” He shouted it out now, raising his voice over the music and cheers. “You said you’d put it down, now do it!”

“Okay. We’ve got a deal.” Sweat slid down her back as she bent to lay the weapon on the floor. “You don’t kill for the hell of it. It’s for science. Unlock the cage and let her go.” Eve lifted her hands, palms out.

On a bright laugh, he grabbed up a stunner, jabbed the air with it. “Just in case. You stay where you are, Dallas.”

Her heart began to beat again when he put the control down, hit the button to release the locks. “Sorry you have to leave the party, Doctor Mira. But I promised this dance to the lieutenant.”

“I need to help her out.” Eve crouched to take Mira’s hand. “Her muscles are stiff. She wouldn’t have lasted for you, Dave.” She gave Mira’s hand one hard squeeze.

“Get in, get in now.”

“As soon as she’s clear.” Eve remained crouched, pushed Mira aside. As she used her body as a shield, she had time to register a movement on the stairs, then her clinch piece was in her hand.

“I lied, Dave.” She watched his eyes go round with shock, saw him grab for the control, lower the stunner. The crowd cheered wildly as her blast took him full in the chest.

His body jerked, a quick and obscene dance. He was right, she noted, about the finger twitch. It depressed convulsively on the control even as he fell onto the cage.

Sparks showered from it, from his quaking body as she dragged Mira clear and curled herself over her.

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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