Witness in Death (In Death 10) - Page 32

His skin was milk white, his eyes a cagey green. She still couldn’t figure out why anything about him attracted her on a physical level, much less how she’d ended up having regular and outrageous sex with him when out of bed they spent most of their time annoying each other.

She’d liked to have said he wasn’t her type, but she didn’t think she actually had a type. Her luck with men was usually, distressingly, piss-poor.

“I’d better get going.”

“Why? It’s early.” When she sat up, he leaned over and nipped suggestively at her shoulder. “I’m starving.”

“Christ, McNab, we just finished having sex.”

“That, too, but I was thinking more of pizza, loaded.” He knew her weaknesses. “Let’s fuel up.”

Her taste buds stirred to attention. “I’m dieting.”

“What for?”

She rolled her eyes, yanking the rumpled sheet around her as she climbed out of bed. “Because I’m pudgy.”

“No, you’re not. You’re built.” He caught the edge of the sheet, surprising her with his quickness, and pulled it down to her waist. “Seriously built.”

As she fumbled for the sheet, he sprang up, caught her around the waist with an affectionate squeeze that both disarmed and worried her. “Come on, let’s eat, then see what happens next. I’ve got some wine around here.”

“If it’s anything like the wine you had last time, I’d as soon dip a cup in the sewer.”

“New bottle.” He picked his bright orange jumpsuit off the floor, stepped into it. “You want some pants?”

The fact that he would offer her his pants made her want to pinch all four of his cheeks. “McNab, I couldn’t have squeezed into your pants when I was twelve. I actually have an ass.”

“True. That’s okay; I love a woman in uniform.” He strolled off, struggling not to brood. He always had to talk her into staying.

In the corner of the living area that doubled for his kitchen, he pulled out the bottle of wine he’d bought the day before when he’d been thinking of her. He thought about her just often enough to be demoralized. If he could keep her in bed, they’d be fine. He didn’t have to think about his moves there, they just happened.

He flipped on his ‘link. The pizza joint was keyed in on memory, in the primo position due to frequency of transmissions. He ordered a mongo pie, loaded, then dug out a corkscrew.

The damn wine had cost him twice what he usually spent. But when a guy was competing with a slick, experienced LC, he needed to hold his own. He didn’t doubt Charles Monroe knew all about fine wines. He and Peabody probably took baths in champagne.

Since the image infuriated him, he glugged down half a glass of wine. Then he turned as Peabody came out of the bedroom. She was wearing her uniform pants with her shirt open at the throat. He wanted to lick her there, just there where the stiff cotton gave way to soft flesh.

Goddamn it.

“What’s the matter?” She asked, noticing the scowl on his face. “They run out of pepperoni?”

“No, it’s coming.” He held out her glass of wine. “I was thinking…about work.”

“Mmm.” She sipped the wine, pursed her lips at its smooth and subtle fruity taste. “This is pretty good. You’re running backgrounds on the Draco case, right?”

“Already done. Dallas should have them by now.”

“Quick work.”

He answered with a shrug. He didn’t have to tell her Roarke had dropped the data in his lap. “We in EDD aim to please. Even after eliminations and probability scans, it’s going to take days to shift the list down to a workable number. Guy gets his heart jabbed in front of a couple thousand people, it’s complicated.”

“Yeah.” Peabody sipped again, then wandered off to drop into a chair. Without being aware of it on a conscious level, she was as comfortable in McNab’s mess of an apartment as she was in her own tidy one. “Something’s going on.”

“Something’s always going on.”

“No, not the usual.” She struggled with herself, brooded into her wine. If she didn’t talk to someone, she’d explode. And hell, he was here. “Look, this is confidential.”

“Okay.” Since the pizza wouldn’t arrive for a good ten minutes more, McNab snagged an

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
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