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Witness in Death (In Death 10)

Page 78

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“One of Roarke’s little jokes. And if I hear it repeated, I’ll have to kill you.”

She headed up the stairs out of habit. Peabody sighed again, knowing there were numerous elevators that would be delighted to save them the climb.

When they walked into the office, she smirked at McNab on principle, but she did offer up a quick little prayer for his skinny neck. She’d grown, however reluctantly, fond of it.

He sprang to his feet, leading with the warrant. “All proper and official, sir.”

Eve snatched it away, took a good, hard look. The tension in her shoulders unknotted muscle by muscle. She was dead sure Roarke was behind this sudden bounty of data, but the warrant would pass muster.

“Okay, McNab. You can live for the time being. Contact Feeney, put him on a conference-link and let’s see what we’ve got.”

• • •

What they had was twenty-four years old, but it was violent, petty, mean-spirited, and provocative.

“So the sophisticated Kenneth whopped big time on one Richard Draco.”

“Really big time,” Peabody put in. “He knocked out two teeth, busted his nose, bruised his ribs, and managed to break several articles of furniture before security got through the door and pulled him off.”

“It says in the civil action that Draco was unable to work for three weeks, suffered emotional damage, extreme embarrassment, physical trauma, and, this is my personal favorite, loss of consortium. Both the criminal charges and the civil action were taken against Stiles in his birth name, Stipple, which he legally changed to his current stage name immediately after the suit was settled.”

Eve turned the new data over in her mind. “He made a deal with Draco to take the payment and I’m banking it was more than the aforesaid five million smackeroonies to agree to having all of it sealed. The media didn’t get hold of it, and that had to cost, too.”

“Twenty-four years ago,” Peabody pointed out. “Neither of them were major names. But from what we know of Draco, he’d have whined to the press unless it was worth his while not to.”

“He could have spewed it out any time. Could have continued to hold it over Stiles’s head. Bad for the image developed.” Still she shook her head. “I can’t see Stiles being overly worried about this coming out now. He’s an established celebrity. He could spin it into a positive. ‘Ah, my wild youth’ or some such thing. It’s why he broke Draco’s balls that’s the key.”

She checked her wrist unit, figured angles. “McNab, continue search and scan. If you turn up anything else interesting, relay it to me or Feeney. I’ll be at Central. Feeney? Reserve us an interview room, first available.”

“You hauling him in?” Feeney asked.

“Yeah. Let’s see how he does on my stage. Peabody, have Dispatch send some uniforms to Kenneth Stiles’s address. I want him to have a ride in a black and white.”

She started out while Peabody dug for her communicator.

“Hey, Peabody, just a minute.”

She hesitated, glanced over her shoulder. “I’m busy, McNab.”

“Yeah, yeah.” He grabbed her hand, gave her a tug.

“Cut it out.” But her own hand reached back and gave his butt a quick squeeze. “I’ve got real cop work to do.”

“You uniforms only wish you could dance the cop dance like us EDDs. Listen, you want to go out tonight?”

Being pressed against him always managed to get her lust quotient hopping. “I guess I could come by after shift.”

He nearly let it go at that as an image of her out of that uniform swirled into his mind. Still, Roarke hadn’t said they couldn’t have sex after the date. “No, I was thinking we could go out.”

“It’s too cold to have sex outdoors.”

He opened his mouth, closed it again as the image in his mind switched to rolling naked with Peabody in the shadows of Central Park. If they didn’t get mugged, knifed, or murdered, it would be incredible.

“Is sex all you think about? Not that I’m against it, but how about we go to the Nexus Club, catch some music. I’ll pick you up at eight.”

“Pick me up? You’ll pick me up?”

“That’ll give you time to change.” It was interesting, he thought, seeing her look at him as if he’d grown a third ear in the center of his forehead.

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