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Witness in Death (In Death 10)

Page 92

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She stirred herself enough to turn her head and look at him. “You look pretty smug.”

“As it happens, darling Eve, I’m feeling pretty smug.”

“It was all my idea.”

“And a fine one it was, too. Would I be risking my skin if I asked just what inspired you?”

“Well…” She curved her back into the brush of his finger. “You bought me a candy bar.”

“Remind me to arrange for a truckload tomorrow.”

“A truckload would kill us.” She pushed to her knees, shoved back her hair. She looked soft and used and content.

“I’ll risk it.”

With a laugh, she leaned over to rest her forehead to his. “One last mushy thing before it becomes a habit. You make me happy. I’m starting to get used to it.”

“That’s a very nice way to end the mush.”

“I guess we should eat.”

“I’d hate to think of you slaving over a hot stove and not have the results appreciated.”

Her eyes slitted. “Is that a dig?”

“No, indeed. What’s for dinner?”

“Lots of stuff with weird, fancy names.”


“I figured if you didn’t like it, it wouldn’t be programmed.” She scooted off the bed, stood naked, glancing around. “I don’t guess there’s a robe in here.”

“Afraid not.” He dug through the tangle of sheets and pillows and came up with the now tattered body skimmer. “You could wear what’s left of this.”

“Never mind.” She picked up her discarded dress, shimmied into it.

“Well now, that stirs the appetite considerably.”

“Even you couldn’t go another round after that last one.” When he grinned, she thought it wise to move out of reach.

• • •

She couldn’t pronounce half the food she put in her mouth, but it was damn tasty. “What is this called again?”

“Fruit de le mer a la parisienne.”

“I guess if they called it a bunch of fish in a fancy sauce, it wouldn’t have the same ring.”

“A rose by any other name.” He refilled her water glass. “Lieutenant?”


“You’re trying not to think about your day. Why don’t you just tell me about it instead?”

She stabbed another scallop. “I’ve got a lead on—” She cut herself off, sucked it in. “No, you tell me about your day.”

“My day?” he asked in surprise.

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