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Witness in Death (In Death 10)

Page 110

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“Oh, sorry.” Peabody unbuttoned her coat. In her latest attempt to lose weight, she’d taken to getting off the subway five blocks from Central. Winter had decided to come back for another kick that morning. “I just got in, and ran into the commander on his way out. He’s heading to the hospital.”

“Trueheart?” She gripped Peabody’s arm. “Did we lose him?”

“No. He’s conscious. The commander said he surfaced about twenty minutes ago, and here’s the best part, he’s responding to stimuli. There’s no paralysis, and they’ve upgraded him to guarded condition.”

“Okay.” The relief shuddered through her on bat wings. “Okay, good. We’ll stop by and see him when we go in to interview Stiles.”

“The squad’s chipping in for a flower arrangement. Everybody likes Trueheart.”

“All right, put me down.” She sat behind her desk. “Get me some coffee, will you? I’m punchy.”

“You didn’t go home at all, did you? You said when you sent me off that you were going home.”

“I lied. Coffee. I’ve got some information from an anonymous source. We’re going over to re-interview Carly Landsdowne.”

Peabody sniffed and stalked over to the AutoChef. “I guess your aide’s not supposed to ask the name of the source?”

“My aide’s supposed to get me coffee before I bite her throat.”

“I’m getting it,” Peabody muttered. “Why Carly, at this stage of the investigation?”

“I’ve just verified Richard Draco was her father.”

“But they were…” A dozen emotions flew across Peabody’s face. “Oh, yuck.”

“In words of one syllable.” Eve grabbed the coffee. “I want a formal request put in to Judge Levinsky to break adoption seal. We have to make it official. Meanwhile—” She broke off when her desk ‘link signaled an incoming.

“Homicide. Dallas.”

“Lieutenant Eve Dallas?”

Eve studied the woman. “That’s right.”

“Lieutenant Dallas, my name is Anja Carvell. I’d like to speak with you on a very important matter, as soon as possible.”

“I’ve been looking for you, Ms. Carvell.”

“I thought you might be. Would it be possible for

you to meet me at my hotel? I’m staying at The Palace.”

“Popular spot. I’ll be there. Twenty minutes.”

“Thank you. I think I can help you clear up a number of matters.”

“Jeez.” Peabody snagged her own coffee when Eve broke transmission. “We look for her all over hell and back, and here she just drops into our laps.”

“Yeah, nice coincidence.” Eve shoved away from the desk. “I don’t like coincidence.”

• • •


Yes, that had a nice ring, a dramatic touch. One never wants to lose one’s sense of style, even under pressure. Particularly under pressure. The pills are where they can be easily reached, should they be needed. A last resort, of course, but they’ll be quick. They’ll be gentle.

“Do not go gentle into that good night.” Well, what the hell did he know? If it comes down to death or prison, death is preferable.

Life is a series of choices. One twists into the next, and the path shifts. It never really rides straight, unless there are no joys, no sorrows. I would always prefer the road that wanders. I made my choices, for better or worse, they were mine to make. I take full responsibility for the results of those choices.

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