Witness in Death (In Death 10) - Page 117

“I repeat, at dawn?” Then she shrugged, stepped back. “Don’t ask me anything until I get a cup of coffee. That should be added to those rights and obligations you’re so fond of spouting.”

“Cranky,” Peabody whispered as Carly strode away.

Eve scanned the room, listened to the beep of the AutoChef, then tried not to let her mouth water when she caught the scent of rich and real coffee.

“I saw you at Richard’s memorial yesterday,” Carly said as she breezed back in. Her robe slipped silkily off one shoulder as she sat, crossed long, bare legs. “You do get around.”

“Some of the matters I’m here to discuss with you are of a personal nature. You might want to ask your companion to leave.”

“My companion?”

“Two wineglasses,” Eve pointed out, with a nod at the low table. “Crushed pillows on the end of the sofa.” She reached under one, tugged out one sheer leg of black hose. “Undergarments in unusual places.”

“So your clever deductive powers lead you to the correct conclusion that I had sex last night.” She shrugged and her robe slid down a little lower. “Why do you think he’s still here?”

“Because you were having sex this morning before I so rudely interrupted. That little mating bite on your neck’s very fresh.”

“Ah.” She sighed with a sound of amusement. “I suppose he was feeling a little frisky. Why don’t you come on out, sweetheart?” She lifted her voice and kept her eyes on Eve. “Lieutenant Dallas has spoiled the moment anyway.”

A door creaked open. There was the hesitant pad of bare feet on the floor. Rumpled and flushing, Michael Proctor stepped into the room.


“Ah…” He cleared his throat, tried to find something to do with his hands, and ended up letting them dangle from his arms at his sides. He was rumpled, wrinkled, and had mis-buttoned his shirt. “Good morning, Lieutenant.”

Carly’s long, delighted roll of laughter filled the room. “Oh, Michael, do better. At least try to look satisfied and defiant instead of embarrassed and guilty. She’s not the morals police.”

“Carly.” Her name was a vocal wince.

She waved a hand. “Go get yourself some coffee, you’ll feel better.”

“Um…Can I get anyone…anything?”

“Isn’t he sweet?” Carly beamed, like a proud mother over a well-mannered child. “Go on, darling.”

She turned back to Eve as Michael shuffled from the room. Her expression transformed, like a mask removed, from silk to steel. “I believe sex between consenting adults is legal in this state, so shall we move on?”

“How long have you and Michael been lovers?”

Carly examined her nails, picked idly at a minute chip in the polish. “Since you tell me it’s after nine, for about twelve hours. I’m afraid I can’t give you the exact time the act was consummated. I wasn’t wearing my wrist unit.”

“You want points for attitude?” Eve said evenly. “Fine with me. We can take this down to Central and see who’s the biggest hard-ass. Or you can give me straight answers on how Michael Proctor ended up sharing your bed this morning.”

Carly’s lips twisted, but the idea of a session at Cop Central had her reaching for control. “We ran into each other at the memorial, ended up going out for a drink, came back here. One thing led very enjoyably to another. Is there a problem with that?”

“Bury one lover, pick up a fresh one? That might be a problem for some people.”

Temper flashed into Carly’s eyes, but she kept her voice level. “Save your narrow-minded view for someone who’s interested. It happens that Michael and I have a great deal in common, some chemistry stirred, and we acted on it. Above that, I like him very much.”

“One of the things you have in common is Richard Draco.”

“True enough. But Richard’s dead. We’re not.”

Michael walked slowly back in. “Carly, would you like me to go?”

“Not on my account.” She patted the cushion beside her. “Sit down.” It was as much a challenge as a request. When he sat, she gave a pleased smile, hooked her arm through his. “So, Lieutenant, you were saying?”

“Michael, you didn’t mention your mother knew Richard Draco.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
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