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Witness in Death (In Death 10)

Page 133

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“It’s been done. Overdone. I want the meat.”

“Doesn’t fly, Nadine. Roarke’s name boosts ratings.”

“Okay, consider it payback.” She shrugged and hauled up her purse. “For the girl night.”

“Okay.” Eve reached into her back pocket, drew out a sealed disc. “Here.”

“What’s this?” But the minute it was in her hand, Nadine understood. Her fingers closed tightly around it. “It’s the recording Richard did. Of me.”

“It’s been removed from the evidence log. It’s the only copy. I figure it should close that circle.”

As her throat filled with conflicting emotions, Nadine stared down at the disc. “Yes. Yes, it does. Better, it breaks it.” Using both hands she snapped the disc in two.

Eve nodded with approval. “Some women wouldn’t have been able to resist watching it. I figured you were smarter than that.”

“I am now. Thanks, Dallas. I don’t know how to—”

Eve took a deliberate step back. “Don’t even think about kissing me.”

With a shaky laugh, Nadine stuffed the broken disc in her bag. It would go into the first recyler she came across. “Okay, no sloppy stuff. But I owe you, Dallas.”

“Damn right you do. So next time, save me a donut.”


She slept for ten hours, pretty much where she had fallen after giving Roarke the briefest of updates. She woke, recharged, clearheaded, and alone.

Since he wasn’t around to nag her, she had an ice cream bar for breakfast, washed it down with coffee while she watched the morning news reports on-screen. She caught a replay of her one-on-one with Nadine and, satisfied with it, considered herself set for the day.

She dressed, dragging on dung brown trousers and a white shirt that had narrow brown stripes. She had no idea how long the shirt had been there, but since Roarke had started filling her closet, she’d stopped paying attention.

He bought her a ridiculous amount of clothes, but it saved her from the torture of shopping.

Since it was there, and the weather promised to remain cool, she buttoned on a waist-length vest that appeared to go with the rest of the deal.

She strapped on her weapon, then she set off to find Roarke.

He was already in his office, the morning stock reports on one screen, off-planet trading on another, and what seemed to be a serious math problem on the third.

“How can you deal with numbers first thing in the morning?”

“I live for numbers.” He tapped his keyboard, and the math problem shifted into tidy columns he had no doubt added up to the smallest decimal point. “And as it happens, I’ve been up for some time. You look rested,” he said after a moment’s study of her face. “And very well-tailored as well. You’re a resilient creature, Eve.”

“I slept like a slug.” She came around the counter, leaned down, and kissed him. “You’ve been putting in some long days yourself.” She patted his shoulder in a way that made his antenna quiver. “Maybe we need a little vacation.”

He sent the figures on-screen to his broker for immediate application, then swiveled around in his chair. “What do you want?”

“Just some quiet time somewhere. You and me. We could take a long weekend.”

“I repeat.” He picked up his coffee, sipped. “What do you want?”

Irritation gleamed in her eyes. “Didn’t I just say? Don’t pull that crap on me again. You had to grovel the last time.”

“I won’t this time around. Do I look stupid?” he said in a conversational tone. “I’m not above a bribe, Lieutenant, but I like to know the deal. Why am I being softened up?”

“I couldn’t soften you up with a vat of skin regenerator. Anyway, it’s not a bribe. I’m a damn city official.”

“And they are, as we know, complete strangers to bribes.”

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