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Witness in Death (In Death 10)

Page 143

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“I’ll wait.”

She said nothing, only rose and made her way down to Interview.

Areena was already there, sitting quietly at the small table. She quirked her lips in a sneer. “I can’t say I think much of the wardrobe choices in this place.” She fingered the collarless top of the dull gray state issue.

“We’ve got to get a new designer. Record on—”

“Is that necessary?”

“Yes, I’m required to put any conversations with you on record. For your protection and mine. Dallas, Lieutenant Eve, in Interview One with Mansfield, Areena, at her request. Ms. Mansfield, you’ve been given your rights, do you choose to implement any or all of them at this time?”

“No, I have something to say to you. You knew it was me,” she said, leaning forward. “You were perfectly aware it was me, before we came into the theater today.”

“We’ve been over this ground.”

“I’m asking you if you had any proof before my confession?”

“What difference does it make? I have your confession.”

“For my own curiosity. The attorney I intend to hire will be entitled to that information, which will be relayed to me. Save us the middleman.”

“All right. Acting on my suppositions as regarded Anja Carvell, I ordered voice print analyses between your statements and hers. Though you had altered your tone, your rhythm, effectively disguising your voice to the naked ear, the voice prints were an exact match. As fingerprints are. Several of yours were found in the room registered to Carvell. Strands of hair, both from a synthetic wig matching the shade worn by Carvell and those of your shade, and your DNA, were found in the aforementioned suite. Both were also found, on a warranted sweep of your penthouse in the same hotel.”

“I see. I should have researched police procedure. I was careless.”

“No, you weren’t. You were human, which makes it impossible to think of everything.”

“You managed it.” Areena leaned back now, a considering look in her eye as she studied Eve. “You had enough evidence to bring me in here for questioning, to throw my deception in my face, use my relationship with Richard, with Carly, to break me. Instead, you chose to do so at the theater. In front of Carly.”

“You might not have broken here. I banked on it working the other way.”

“No, you’d have broken me. We both know it. I couldn’t stand against you. You did it in front of Carly for a very specific reason. You did it for her.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I’m off shift.”

Before she could rise, Areena gripped her hand. “You did it for her. She has to live with knowing what the father who made her was capable of. What he did to her. Knowing what he was, and that what he was runs inside her could twist her, scar her.”

“She’ll live with it.” Every day, Eve thought. Every night.

“Yes, she will. But you made sure she saw more than that. You showed her that the other part who made her would protect her at all costs. Would sacrifice her own freedom to insure hers. Could love her that much. You showed her that there’s decency, loyalty, and strength of purpose in her blood. One day, when she’s settled, when she heals, she’ll realize that. She may think of me kindly. When she realizes that, Lieutenant Dallas, I hope she has the courage to thank you as I’m thanking you now.”

She closed her eyes tightly, inhaled deeply. “Can I have some water, please?”

Eve walked over, drew a cup. “You’ll both pay for what he did. There’s no way to stop that.”

“I know.” Areena sipped, cooled her throat. “But she’s young and strong. She’ll find a way to beat it back.”

“She’ll have help. Dr. Mira will counsel her. She’s the best.”

“I appreciate knowing that. I was so proud of the way she faced you down today. She’s tough. And she’s lovely, isn’t she?”

“Yes, very.”

“I couldn’t bear what he did to her. Couldn’t bear thinking he might do so again.” Tears rose, were battled back.

Fragile? Eve thought. Not in this lifetime.

“With Quim,” Areena continued, “it was difficult for me. I was afraid. But he was an ugly little man, and I’d had my fill of ugly little men. Lieutenant?”

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