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Purity in Death (In Death 15)

Page 43

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But she broke transmission and raced for the door.

“I’ll drive.” Roarke ran down the steps beside her. “Don’t argue. I might be able to find something on her machine or on the disc.”

“I wasn’t going to argue. I was going to tell you to pick one of your faster toys.”

They made it to Nadine’s apartment in under eight minutes. “Give the disc to Roarke,” Eve demanded the instant Nadine opened the door. “I’m taking you to the nearest health center.”

“Just a minute, just a damn minute.” She shoved at Eve when Eve grabbed her arm. “The disc isn’t infected. They made that clear. Stop dragging me! They want media exposure. They want the public to know their purpose.”

Eve pulled back, shut down the image of seeing a friend die screaming. “They want you to air the disc?”

“It’s text only. They want me to report. That’s what I do.” Nadine huffed out a breath, rubbed her arm where Eve’s fingers had dug in. “I guess I should appreciate you worrying about my health, but this is going to bruise.”

“You’ll live.” And that was the point. “I need the disc.”

Nadine arched one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows. Her attractive, foxy face was every bit as determined as Eve’s. She was shorter than Eve, curvy, and no doubt softer. But when it came to a story she could do plenty of

ass-kicking herself.

“You’re not getting it.”

“This is a homicide investigation.”

“And it’s a story. Freedom of the press, Dallas, you might have heard of it. The disc was mailed to me.”

“I’ll get a warrant to confiscate, and to dump your pretty ass in a cage if you withhold evidence and obstruct justice.”

Nadine had to rise onto her toes to compensate for the difference in height, but she managed to push her face into Eve’s.

“I’m not obstructing anything and you know it. I didn’t have to contact you. I could have gone straight to air with this, so just shut down your thrusters, sister.”

“Ladies. Ladies.” Taking the risk all men fear, Roarke stepped between two snarling women. “Let’s just take a deep breath. You both have valid points. It might settle things a bit if we took a look at the disc.”

“There’s no guarantee it’s not infected. I can take it into quarantine.”

“You know that’s bull.” Nadine shook back her streaky blonde mane of hair. “They’ve got no beef with me. They want what I can give them. Exposure to the public. If you’d read the text, you’ll see exactly what I mean. Dallas, they’ve just gotten started.”

“All right, let’s take a look. And if we all start bleeding from the ears, hey, the joke’s on us.”

Nadine led the way through the living area into a large office space done in classy pastels and clean lines. She plopped down at a desk. “Run disc.”

“I told you to shut the unit down.”

“Just read the damn screen.”

Dear Ms. Furst,

We are The Purity Seekers, and are contacting you due to our belief of your respect for the public welfare. We want to assure you that we admire your dedication to your work, and wish you no harm. This disc is clean. You have our word that no harm will come to you through us.

We seek only the purity of justice. A justice that is not, cannot always be served through the confines of law that too often is forced to ignore the victim and serve the criminal. Our police force, our courts, even our government often find their hands tied by the slippery rope of tangled laws designed to protect those who prey on the innocent.

We were formed, and are sworn to serve the innocent.

Some will find our means distressing. Some will find them frightening. No war can, or should be fought without distress or fear.

But most will find our means just and our ends a victory for all who have been lost in a system that no longer serves the common good.

By the time this message reaches you, the first execution will have taken place. Louis K. Cogburn was a blight on society, a man who corrupted and addicted our children. He hunted them on the playgrounds and the schoolyards and the parks of our city, luring those young and innocent bodies and minds with illegals.

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