Purity in Death (In Death 15) - Page 102

“Damn it.” She’d nearly wiped it on her trousers before he snatched it out of her hand, used the last of the napkins. “Lift up your chin,” he ordered.

“What? Is it on my face?”

“No.” He leaned in—the perfect angle—and kissed her. “I just wanted to do that.”

“Smart guy. Give me back my shield.”

“It’s back in your pocket.”

She checked, shook her head. “Go use those fast fingers of yours to get me some data. I’m going to go grab Peabody and head to Child Services.”

“I’ll just see if McNab’s ready to go.”

“You brought them in the limo, didn’t you?” she asked as they walked back.

“Yes, why?”

“You’re spoiling my team.” She turned toward the door just as Whitney came out.

“Lieutenant, Roarke. I thought you’d left.”

“We were about to, Commander, as soon as I round up my team.”

“Leave that to Roarke. Walk back to Central with me.”

“Yes, sir. Tell Peabody to meet me at Central,” Eve told Roarke. She took a step, stopped. “Tell her to walk,” she added. “I don’t want you dropping her off in the limo.”

“As you like, Lieutenant.” Roarke skimmed a finger over the dent in her chin. “I’ll see you at home. Jack.” He nodded at Whitney, then went inside.

“From the looks at this traffic, he wouldn’t get a vehicle near Central for the next thirty minutes.”

“He’d find a way,” Eve replied, “and it makes a damn spectacle.”

“I prefer walking when I can manage it,” Whitney said as they started down the sidewalk. “You spent some time speaking with Halloway’s mother, alone.”

“She’s got a lot of spine.”

“Yes, she does. I believe you also spoke with the mayor.”

“Yes, sir.”

“He’s understandably concerned about this situation.”

“I think it’s fair to say we’re all understandably concerned about this situation.”

“Our concerns may demonstrate themselves differently. You also spoke with Chang and the deputy mayor.”

“We had words.”

Whitney looked over at her. “You had words with a number of people today.”

“Yes, sir. I believe the statement I gave Nadine Furst in response to the release by Purity was appropriate. It was also factual. Detective Halloway and his family deserve more than to have him used as a tool by terrorists to spread their message. The job owes him more than that.”

“I’m very aware of what the job owes, Lieutenant.” He stopped at the crosswalk with a crowd of other pedestrians waiting for the light. “As it happens, I found nothing inappropriate about your statement, nor does the chief. The mayor’s office is less satisfied, but Chang is already working to maximize the effect in our favor. It matters,” Whitney said, though she hadn’t spoken. Hadn’t intended to.

The crowd started the surge seconds before the light changed. Both Eve and Whitney moved through it, picking up the pace to break clear.

“I could waste our time giving you the standard lines about politics, media relations, public relations, image and perception, and the often tricky dynamics between the NYPSD and the mayor’s office.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
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