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Purity in Death (In Death 15)

Page 103

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Whitney flipped credits out of his pocket and into a beggar’s cup without breaking stride. “But I won’t. You’re aware of all of this already, just as I’m aware you’re not particularly concerned with any of that. I will say it will be helpful and it will be simpler for all involved if you cooperated with Chang as much as possible. When it doesn’t impede or interfere with your investigation.”

“Yes, sir.”

“As to the matter of your interview with Donald and Sylvia Dukes this morning.”

“It wasn’t an interview, Commander, but a few informal questions in their home, and with their permission.”

“You can play the semantics game when it suits you. Whatever term used, the files on Devin Dukes were sealed, and remain so at this time.”

“Data isn’t always accessed through files, sir.”

“Yes, you can play the game. Are you willing to divulge your source?”

“No, sir, nor am I required to under Departmental Code 12, Article—”

“Don’t quote departmental codes at me, Dallas.” He continued to walk easily, despite the pressing heat. But his tone took on an edge. “If it comes to a civil trial, both you and those codes will be tested.”

“It won’t. Not only will the issue be moot when I charge Donald Dukes with conspiracy to commit, but he’s going to need to pool all his legal resources for his defense.”

“He’s part of it?”

“He’s up to his neck.”

“The mother?”

Eve shook her head. “I don’t think so. She’s too passive. I’m doing a background to try to determine how skilled a programmer Duke might be. Regardless, I believe him to be a key player. He wouldn’t settle for less. I could break him in Interview. He’s angry and he’s arrogant, and he needs to be right. He doesn’t like women in authority, either, so that’ll push. Likes them in their proper place,” she continued, half to herself. “Wife’s all shined up lik

e a show dog, wearing an apron. Lip dye and earrings at nine in the morning.”

“My wife puts on her makeup before breakfast.”

“Weird. But nobody intimidates Mrs. Whitney. Nobody pushes her around.” Eve caught herself, winced. “No disrespect intended, Commander.”

“None taken.”

“I need a few more threads to tie Dukes, then I can bring him in.”

“Find the threads, and make them strong ones.”

“I think he’s maintained a relationship with the social worker and the cop who were on his son’s case. And I think they’re involved. I tie any one of them, I’ll tie them all.”

They streamed through another intersection, turned west.

“Make sure of it. A mistake will blow this up in our faces and you’ll take the brunt of that. On another matter, it was good to see McNab on his feet.”

“Yes, sir, very good.”

“He looks a little shaky yet.”

“I’m keeping his workload light, and Peabody’s . . .” She clammed up, redirected. Must be something about walking outside like a couple of tourists that loosened her tongue, she decided. “Peabody’s taking up the slack.”

“Do you think I’m unaware of the relationship between the EDD detective and your aide, Lieutenant?”

Eve stared straight ahead. “I don’t like to talk about it. It makes me twitchy.”

“Excuse me?”

“Literally. I get this tic right under my eye every time . . . Nevermind. Both Detective McNab and Officer Peabody fulfill their duties in an exemplary fashion. I plan to submit Peabody’s name for consideration for promotion to Detective First Grade.”

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