Purity in Death (In Death 15) - Page 105

“Were you aware that the data regarding certain incidents pertaining to the minor on which you questioned the Dukes is in sealed files?”

She didn’t bat an eyelash. “I was informed of this by Mr. Dukes at his residence this morning.”

“You were not aware previously that this data was protected by seal?”

“I deduced it was.”

“How did you come by that deduction?”

“As I could find no open files with the aforesaid data in my search for information in the course of my investigation.”

Webster’s gaze stayed level with hers. “How did you obtain information on Devin Dukes?”

“Through an outside source.”

“From what source did you obtain this protected information?”

“I’m not required to name a source utilized during an investigation, most specifically a priority investigation. This information is protected under Departmental Code Twelve, Article Eighty-Six B.”

The monotone of his voice never changed. “You refuse to name your source?”

“Yes. Doing so would compromise the source and my investigation.”

“Lieutenant Dallas, did you employ departmental equipment and/or sources to access sealed records?”

“I did not.”

“Did you, Lieutenant Dallas, break the seal to Devin Dukes’s files?”

“I did not.”

“Did you order any member of the NYPSD to do so?”


“Did you coerce, bribe, threaten, or order any other individual to break the court’s seal on these files?”


“Will you, should it be deemed necessary, submit to Truth Testing on this matter?”

“I will not voluntarily submit to Testing, but will do so if ordered by my superiors.”

“Thank you for your cooperation, Lieutenant. Interview end. Record off. Good.”

“Is that it?”

“For now. Can I have a hit of your coffee?”

She merely jerked a thumb at the AutoChef.

He walked over, programmed a cup. “If this goes to court, the truth angle would be smart. Would you pass it?”

“The interview’s over, Webster. I’ve got work.”

“Look, I snagged this interview duty because I’m trying to give you a hand. IAB doesn’t follow through officially on something like this, it smells like coverup. Neither of us needs that.”

Some of the anger she’d held in check during the questioning leaked through. “There’s a coverup, Webster, but it has to do with Purity hiding files under official seals, doing the legal tango to keep them sealed as long as possible to try to stall or im

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
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