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Purity in Death (In Death 15)

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“I think my findings in this matter are going to require a solid foundation.”

“Fine. But there’s no need for the formalities. Just lay it out.”

“Yes, sir. We found a safe when we did the first pass. There wasn’t enough in it as review of the security tapes showed us three probable deals going down in his digs during the last week. He didn’t go out himself, so he wouldn’t have made any deposits. The guy dealt in cash primarily. No way he’s going to hand his take over to a teenager he found in a club and trust her to dump it into his safebox or dummy account. Had to be another cache in his place, just like there had to be another source of income. Given the type of clientele he serviced, blackmail seemed the most logical sideline.”

“You felt this assumed sideline connected with Purity?” Tibble asked her.

“It’s not enough to connect, to investigate the big picture. Each case has to be handled individually, by the numbers, or you miss details.”

Tibble nodded. “Since we’re here, I assume you didn’t miss the details.”

“I returned to Greene’s condo, with the civilian consultant. We located the second safe. I logged those contents at that time, and have updated the log as I reviewed those contents. It contained eight hundred and sixty-five thousand in cash, a code for a safebox at the Security National Bank, 88th Street branch, five data discs, and twelve video discs.”

She gestured to her desk. “All contents are logged and sealed, as is my record of their confiscation from the safe.”

“Since you’re being very cautious, Lieutenant, those contents must be hot.”

She met Whitney’s eyes. “They are. The data discs contain his underground books. He kept good records. They also contain his daily journals. His deterioration from the infection is well documented on them, demonstrating increasing pain, paranoia, anger and confusion.”

“And the vids,” Tibble said. “Blackmail?”

“Yes, sir. I did ID search and matches on the individuals recorded by Greene. There’s little doubt they were unaware they were being recorded during their activities as said activities were extremely graphic in nature. Some of the recordings take place at an as yet unknown location, others in the spare bedroom at Greene’s condo. On those vids are a number of very prominent citizens recorded in compromising, illegal, and/or embarrassing sexual situations. Among them are a criminal court judge, the wife of a college professor and vocal Conservative Party supporter who I believe I can and will connect to Clarissa Price, a well-known media personality, and the Mayor of New York.”

“Oh, Christ.” Tibble stared for a full five seconds, then pressed his fingers to his temples. “This is a confirmed ID on Peachtree?”

“Yes, sir. I recognized him, but followed up with an image scan.”

“Then it’s a fucking mess.” He dropped his hands. “All right, the idiot cheated on his wife and got recorded.”

“Sir. It’s a little more . . . involved than straight adultery.”

“Spell it out, Dallas,” Whitney said impatiently. “We’re grown-ups here.”

“He was dressed in women’s clothes and had a sweaty sexual session with another man, which included a little dominance and punishment and, um, oral gratification and consummation.”

“It just gets better and better.” As if tired, Tibble sat back, rested his head on the cushion of his chair as he studied the ceiling. “Mayor Steven Peachtree is a transvestite who was being blackmailed by a sex and illegals broker who’s now dead, and whose death was precipitated by a terrorist organization now responsible for seven murders.”

“In a nutshell,” Eve agreed.

“The media gets ahold of this . . .” He shook his head, pushed to his feet. He paced to her window. ?

??It’s over for him, one way or the other. Even the talented Chang won’t be able to spin him out of the toilet. The city’s in enough of an uproar without this. We keep it quiet, for now.”

“I need to interview him, Chief, as well as the other individuals on vid.”

Tibble looked over his shoulder, studied her face. “You believe Peachtree is involved in Purity? The Mayor, setting a terrorist organization loose on his own city? He may have shown extremely poor judgment in a personal matter, but he’s not stupid enough to piss in his own pool.”

Why not? she thought. You use a sex broker to fulfill your dream-date fantasy, you’re stupid enough for anything. “I can’t make that determination until after he’s interviewed.”

“You want to drag him into a major homicide investigation because he wore a goddamn bra.”

She felt her patience drying up, hulling out like a grape in the sun. “Sir, I don’t care if he dresses up like a shepherdess and seduces his flock on his downtime. Unless doing so puts him into my case. It’s my allegation, as primary in this matter, that Purity has people of power, authority, and influence among their members. My request for a warrant to open sealed juvenile files has been blocked, and continues to be blocked beyond all reasonable objections. Warrants to view files at Child Services have also been blocked or denied. These blocks impede the forward course of my investigation.”

“You found a way around them with Dukes.”

She took a deep breath. “Yes, sir, I did. And I’ll continue to find ways around them. Seven people, including a police officer, are dead. I’ll continue to find a way until I have the answers and justice is served. The Mayor of New York is now a suspect in this investigation whether it suits you or not.”

“Chief Tibble.” Whitney got to his feet, very nearly gave into the urge to step between them like a referee at a boxing match. “Lieutenant Dallas is right.”

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