Reunion in Death (In Death 14) - Page 74

"This isn't gossip. This is a murder investigation."

"No point getting riled," he said mildly, and puffed out his cheeks. "I suspect she'd been tumbling with Chuck Springer. I know her mama had some worries about that. But then as I recollect, he started seeing one of the Larson girls. Maybe it was the Rolley girl. They were kids," he added. "I didn't pay much mind to it. Then when I started up with Julianna, I didn't pay mind to much of anything but her."

"Do you know where I can find this Chuck Springer?"

"He's one of my wranglers. Look no, he's a married man, got a little boy and another on the way."

"Wrangler? Would that be a cowboy?"

Parker snorted out another laugh, adjusted the brim of his hat. "New York City," he said with a shake of his head. "What the hell else is a wrangler but a cowboy?"

"I'd like to speak with him."

Parker sighed. "Then let's go hunt him down." He circled the paddock, jerked a head in the direction of the horses prancing inside. "Got some fine stock there. You ride?"

"Not on anything with more legs than I have," Eve answered and made him hoot with laughter.

"You?" he asked Roarke.

"I have done."

That stopped Eve dead. "On a horse? You've ridden a horse?"

"And survived. Actually, it's exhilarating. You'd probably like it."

"I don't think so."

"Just gotta let 'em know who's boss," Parker told her.

"They're bigger, they're stronger. I'd say that makes them boss."

He chuckled, then let out a shout to one of the hands. "Where's Springer?"

"Out the east pasture."

"Nice ride out there," Parker said conversationally, and tucked his tongue into his cheek. "Could set you up on a nice, gentle hack."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just threaten a police officer."

"I like you, city girl." He jerked a thumb. "We'll take a Jeep."

* * *

It was probably an exhilarating ride. It certainly seemed to Eve that Roarke enjoyed it. But as far as she was concerned, they were bumping through dangerous terrain full of large bovines, cow shit, and whatever might lurk in the tall grass.

She saw another Jeep. On the flat plain it might have been half a mile away, and closer in, riding along a fence line, a trio of men on horseback. Parker veered toward them, giving his horn a little toot-toot. Cattle lumbered out of the way with a few annoyed moos.

"Need a word with you here, Chuck."

A lean, rawboned man in the ranch uniform of boots, jeans, checked shirt, and hat, gave some signal to his mount. They trotted up, and had Eve easing cautiously toward the far door of the Jeep.

"Boss." He nodded at Roarke, tapped the brim of his hat at Eve. "Ma'am."

"This lady here's Lieutenant Dallas, city cop from New York. She needs to talk to you."

"Me?" He had a long face, tanned nearly as deep and gold as a deer hide. It registered puzzled shock. "I ain't never been to New York City."

"You're not in any trouble, Mr. Springer, but you might be able to help me in an investigation." And how the hell was she supposed to interview him when he was all the way up there on that horse? "If I could have a few minutes of your time."

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024