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Reunion in Death (In Death 14)

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"Man, he really slammed me."

"Must've had a hand like a jet train."

"He was a big guy," she remembered, turning her head a little to study her profile. It wasn't any better than the full-on view. "I hate getting punched in the face. People are always staring at you and making moronic comments: Oh, ran into a wall? Wow, gee, does it hurt?"

He had to laugh. "Only you would be more pissed off about that than the blow."

"He was goony. Didn't know what he was doing. Bitch set me up, then didn't have the balls to come at me herself."

"As you'd hoped."

Her eyes met his in the mirror. "When I take her down, she's going to pay for this." Eve tapped fingers lightly over her jaw. "And she won't look so fucking pretty when I toss her in a cage."

"Girl fight? Can I watch?"

"Pervert." She stepped away, into the shower, and ordered the jets on full at a blistering temperature.

Because he was concerned she might get dizzy and fall, and because he enjoyed it, Roarke eased a hip on the sink and watched her wavery silhouette behind the patterned glass.

He turned his head when Louise came in. "Your patient's up and about."

"So I see." Setting her bag on the counter, Louise walked around the enclosure. "How are you feeling this morning?"

Eve let out a yip, spun with her wet hair dripping. In defense, she crossed one arm over her breasts. "Jesus, come on."

"Let me point out that I'm a doctor, have already seen you naked, and am also a member of the species that has the same equipment as you. Are you in any pain?"

"No. I'm trying to take a shower here."

"Carry on then. Light-headedness?"

Eve hissed, then dunked her head under the pumping spray. "No."

"If you're dizzy at all, sit down. Just sit down wherever you are. It's better than falling. Range of motion in the shoulder?"

Eve demonstrated it by raising her arms and scrubbing shampoo into her hair.


Eve wiggled her butt and made Louise laugh. "Glad to see you're feeling frisky."

"That wasn't frisky. I was mooning you, which is supposed to be insulting."

"But you have such a cute little butt."

"So I've always said," Roarke added.

"Jesus, are you still in here? Go away, everybody go away." She flipped back her hair, turned, and let out a thin scream when Peabody walked in.

"Hey! How're you feeling?"

"Naked. I'm feeling naked and very crowded."

"The face doesn't look half-bad." Peabody looked around. "She's in here, McNab, doing a lot better."

"He comes in here," Eve said ominously, "and somebody's going to die."

"Bathrooms—veritable death traps," Roarke added. "Why don't I just take Peabody and McNab, and Feeney," he added when he heard the EDD captain's voice join McNab's, "up to your office. Louise will stay until she's satisfied you're fit to return to duty."

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