Reunion in Death (In Death 14) - Page 130

And the black shimmered, wavered with color and shape. She felt the change in the air—a soft and fragrant warmth that had the faint hint of rain. She heard that rain patter softly against the windows that formed, on the floor of a balcony where the doors were open to welcome it.

And in front of her, the sumptuous beauty spilled around her and took shape.

"It's the place in Paris," she murmured. "Where we spent our wedding night. It was raining." She stepped to the open doors, held her hand out, and felt the wet kiss her palm. "Steamy with summer, but I wanted the doors open. I wanted to hear the rain. I stood here, just here, and I... I was so in love with you."

Her voice shook as she turned back, looked at him. "I didn't know I could stand here a year later and love you more." She scrubbed the heels of her hands over her damp cheeks. "You knew this would get me all sloppy."

"You stood there, just there." He walked to her. "And I thought, She's everything I want. Everything there is. And now, a year later, you're somehow even more than that."

She leaped into his embrace, locking her arms around his neck, making them both laugh as he was forced to take two backward steps to maintain balance.

"Should've been ready," he chuckled against her lips. "I believe you did that a year ago as well."

"Yeah, and I did this." She tore her mouth from his to sink her teeth lightly into his throat. "Then I'm pretty sure we started ripping each other's clothes off on the way to the bedroom."

"Then in the interest of tradition." He got two fistfuls of the back of her shirt, yanked hard in opposite direction and ripped the fabric.

She went after his by the front, tugging until buttons flew, until she had her hands on flesh. "Then we—" '

"It's all coming back to me." He pivoted, bracing her back against a wall, ravishing her mouth while he ripped at her trousers.

"Boots." Her breath caught, her hands kept busy. "I wasn't wearing boots."

"We'll ad-lib."

She fought to toe them off as her clothes, pieces of them, hung here and there like rags.

She stopped hearing the rain. The sound was too subtle to compete with the pounding of her blood. His hands were rough, demanding, rushing over her in a kind of feral possession until she could all but feel her skin screaming.

He drove her to peak where they stood, a brutal blinding peak that jellied her knees. His mouth was on hers, swallowing her cries as if he could feed on them.

Washed in the heat, she fell against him. And dragged him to the floor.

They went wild together, rolling over the delicate floral pattern of the rug, whipping all the needs to aching then pushing for more.

There was nothing else. Nothing for him now but her. The way her skin sprang damp as passions ruled her. The way her body lifted, writhed, slithered. The taste of her filled his mouth, pumped into his blood like some violent drug that promised the razor's edge of madness.

He savaged her breasts while her heart galloped under his hungry lips. Mine, he thought now as he had then. Mine.

He yanked her to her knees, his breath as ragged as their clothes. His muscles, primed to spring, quivered for her.

She fisted her hands in his hair. "More," she said, and dragged him back against her.

She fell on him, seeking to plunder. Her body was a morass of aches and glory, too battered by sensations to separate pain from pleasure. Clashed together, they equalled greed.

She feasted on him, on the hard, disciplined body, on the poet's mouth, the warrior's shoulders. Her hands streaked over him. Mine, she thought now as she had then. Mine.

He rolled, pinning her. He shoved her hips high and drove in, hard. Hard and deep. And held there, buried in her, while she came.

"There's more." His lungs screamed, and the dark pleasure all but blinded him as she fisted around him. "We'll both have more."

She rose to him, wrapped around him, matching him thrust for desperate thrust. When the need lanced through him, through heart, through head, through loins, he gave himself to it, and to her.

He rested his head between her breasts. The most perfect of pillows for a man, in his current opinion. Her heart was still thundering, or perhaps it was his. He felt a raging thirst and hoped he'd find the energy to quench it in the next year or two.

"I remembered something else," she told him.


Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024