Imitation in Death (In Death 17) - Page 16

Eve turned and studied what Peabody was currently gaping at. The life-sized portrait of Pepper Franklin rose above the sea green mantel of a white hearth. In it, she appeared to be dressed in nothing but mists. They curled and draped around her, shimmering and thin so that her impressive body was displayed. Her arms were stretched out as if welcoming an embrace.

She was smiling, dreamily, her lips painted deep rose. Her hair was a tumble of gold around a heart-shaped face set off by wide, deep blue eyes.

Striking, Eve mused. Sensual. Powerful.

Just what, she wondered, was a woman with that much style and strength doing with a loser like Fortney?

“I’ve seen her on-screen and in mags and stuff, but this is—you know—wow. She looks like, I don’t know, a fairy queen.”

“Thank you.” The voice was silver wrapped in fog. “That was the goal,” Pepper said as she walked into the room. “It’s taken, more or less, from my role of Titania.”

She wore a skin-suit now, in dark purple, and had a short towel hooked around her neck. Her face, still striking, was sheened with perspiration, and her hair was bundled up carelessly.

“Lieutenant Dallas?” She offered a hand. “Excuse my appearance. I’m in the middle of yoga. It helps keep me in shape—body, mind, spirit. It also makes me sweat like a pig.”

“I’m sorry to interrupt.”

“I assume it’s important.” She sat, dropping down on the white sofa, letting out a long sigh. “Please, have a seat. Oh God, Turney, thanks.” She took the large bottle of water the butler brought her on a silver tray.

“Mr. Fortney is on the ’link. He’s called three times in the last thirty minutes.”

“He should know better than to call during yoga hour. Tell him I’ll get back to him.”

She took a long drink, angled her head. “Well, what’s this about?”

“I’d like you to verify Mr. Fortney’s whereabouts this morning between midnight and three.”

The easy smile vanished. “Leo? Why?”

“His name has come up in the course of an investigation. If I can verify his whereabouts during that period, we can eliminate it and move on.”

“He was here, with me. I got home about eleven forty-five. Maybe a few minutes later. We had a drink. I allow myself one glass of wine before bed after a performance. We talked about various things, then I went upstairs. I suppose I was in bed and asleep by twelve-thirty.”


“Initially. I’m always beat after a show, and Leo’s a night owl. He was going to watch some screen, make some calls. Something.” She lifted one elegant shoulder.

“You a light sleeper, Ms. Franklin?”

“Hell, I sleep like the dead.” She started to laugh, then caught the implication. “Lieutenant, Leo was here. Honestly, I can’t imagine what sort of investigation you might be pursuing where Leo’s name came up in any way.”

“You’re aware it’s not the first time his name’s come up in a police investigation.”

“Those incidents are in the past. He had some bad luck with women, until me. He was here when I got home, and we had coffee together this morning at about eight. What’s this about?”

“Last fall Mr. Fortney purchased, in London, some stationery.”

“Oh for God’s sake.” Pepper tipped the bottle back for another drink. “I’m still angry with him about that. Ridiculous, and careless. Unrecycled. I don’t know what he was thinking. Don’t tell me he brought it with him into the U.S.?” She rolled her eyes, then stared at the ceiling. “Really, I know it’s against the law, technically. I’m very active in environmental groups, which is why I could have skinned him for buying that stationery. In fact, we had a row about it, and I made him promise to get rid of it. I’m sure there’s a fine, and I’ll see he pays it.”

“I’m not a Green Cop. I’m Homicide.”

Those brilliant blue eyes went blank. “Homicide?”

“Early this morning, a licensed companion identified as Jacie Wooton was murdered in Chinatown.”

“I know.” Pepper’s hand crawled up to her throat. “I heard the report this morning. You can’t possibly believe . . . Leo? He’d never do such a thing.”

“Stationery, of the type Mr. Fortney purchased in London, was used for a note left with the body.”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024