Betrayal in Death (In Death 12) - Page 34

“Agent Stowe and yourself are certainly free to run your case wherever it suits you best. You will not run my case from anywhere.”

Jacoby had brown eyes, dark and smug. “Yost’s activities come under the federal net.”

“Yost is not the exclusive property of the FBI, Agent Jacoby, nor of Global or Interpol, or the NYPSD. But the investigation into the murder of Darlene French is mine, and it’s going to stay mine.”

“You want to stay connected to this, Lieutenant, you’d better dump the attitude.”

“If you want to stay in this office,” Whitney cut in, “you’d be wise to dump yours, Agent Jacoby. The NYPSD is prepared to cooperate with the FBI as regards suspect Yost. It is not prepared to remove or replace Lieutenant Dallas as primary of the Darlene French homicide. Your jurisdiction has limits. You’d be smart to remember what they are.”

Jacoby angled himself toward Whitney, his posture aggressive, his eyes going hot. “Your primary’s connection to the individual R

oarke, who may or may not be tied to this homicide and has long been under the federal eye as a suspect in various illegal activities, makes her a poor choice to head this investigation.”

“If you’re going to make accusations, Jacoby, put something behind them.” It took all Eve’s control to keep her voice level. “Would you like to produce the individual Roarke’s criminal record at this time?”

“You know damn well he doesn’t have one.” He got to his feet now. “You want to sleep with a man who’s run every dirty game in the book and still wear a badge, that’s on you. But—”

“Jacoby.” Stowe rose as well, neatly positioning herself between her partner and Eve. “For God’s sake. Let’s keep personalities out of this.”

“An excellent suggestion.” Whitney pushed back from his desk, stood. “Agent Jacoby, I will ignore that inappropriate attack on my officer. Once. If it’s repeated, in any way, in any shape, in any form, I will report your conduct to your superiors. Your request for cooperation and for inclusion in any data generated on the Darlene French matter by my lieutenant and her investigation team will be considered, after said request is submitted formally, in writing, from your command. This meeting is over.”

“The Bureau has the weight to take over this case.”

“That’s debatable,” Whitney returned. “But you’re free to submit the appropriate paperwork to that end. Until that time, let me suggest that you refrain from coming onto my turf and insulting this office and my officers.”

“I apologize, Commander Whitney.” Stowe shot Jacoby a look that warned him to keep silent. “And we appreciate your time, and your consideration.” She gave her partner a not-so-subtle nudge to get him moving out of the room.

“Take a minute,” Whitney advised when the door closed behind them, “before you say something you may regret.”

“I assure you, Commander, I couldn’t regret anything I might say at the moment.” But she took a breath. “I appreciate your support.”

“Jacoby was out of line. He was heading over the line when he strutted in here thinking he could rattle his federal balls at me. He asks for cooperation properly, he’ll get it. He will not take over your case. It may come down to you working in tandem with Jacoby and Stowe. Is that a problem?”

“It won’t be my problem. Sir.”

A smile flickered around his mouth before he nodded, sat again. “Fill me in.”

She did so, as thoroughly and concisely as her written report. And as she did so, she watched Whitney’s lips purse, his eyebrows raise. Those were the only reactions.

“In all these years the Feebs haven’t put Yost in New York?”

“They may have, sir, but not as indicated by any data I’ve been able to access. They have followed the wire, but not, as far as it shows, the specific length to specific outlets. I fail to understand how something that basic could have been neglected. The luggage, the hairpiece, those apply directly to French. But it’s likely he’s repeated that pattern, or a slight variation at other times. The FBI profile on the suspect is intricate and thorough, which is why I have yet to request one from Doctor Mira. I intend to do so, as corroboration, and with the additional data I’ve accumulated.”

“Cover that, and make certain you have documentation and paperwork on every step. Jacoby may be the type to try to hang you up on technicalities. Media-wise, I want you low profile. The tone of the case shades toward Roarke, which shades toward you. I don’t want you to give any statements until you’re cleared to do so.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t look so smug about it. You’ll be tossed to the media hounds before it’s finished. No leads, I take it, on who might be pulling the strings here, or why?”

“No, sir.”

“Then keep your focus on Yost. Smoke him out. Dismissed.”

“Yes, sir.” She turned to the door, one step behind Peabody.


“Yes, Commander?”

Tags: J.D. Robb In Death Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024