toward Carrie's school. I was sandwiched in the front
seat between Paul and Chris. My brother had his bag
so he could catch a bus and go on to his school after
he found out what had happened to Carrie. He had my
hand squeezed tight in his to reassure me that this
child of ours was going to live! "Stop looking so
worried, Cathy," said Chris as he put an arm about my
shoulder and drew my head to his shoulder. "You
know how Carrie is. She's probably hiding and just
won't answer. Remember how she was in the attic?
She wouldn't stay even when Cory wanted to. Carrie'd
take off to do her own thing. She hasn't run away.
; She'd be too afraid of the dark. She's hiding
somewhere. Somebody did something to hurt her
feelings and she's punishing them by letting them
worry. She couldn't face the world in the dead of
Dead of night! Oh, God! I wished Chris hadn't
mentioned the attic where Cory had almost died in a
trunk before he went on to meet Daddy in heaven.
Chris kissed my cheek and wiped away my tears.
"Come now, don't cry. I said all of that wrong. She'll
be all right."
"What do you mean you don't know where my
ward is?" fired Paul in a hard voice as he coldly eyed
Miss Dewhurst. "It was my understanding the girls in
this school were properly supervised twenty-four
hours a day!"
We were in the posh office of Miss Emily Dean