Girl in the Shadows (Shadows 2)
Page 161
like I'm hovering above my grave."
"What are you telling us?' Trevor asked her.
"That old man you saw through the window of your
soul ain't looking in on you anymore?"
"He'll come around when I tell him he can and
not a minute before." she replied.
"I bet he won't," Trevor said. laughing. "I just
bet he won't."
The doctors wanted Mrs. Westington in the
hospital one more day. Of course she complained, but
she gave up when she realized she was actually going
to walk out of there. She promised and swore that she
would behave and not do too much too quickly, but
we all knew those promises were as good as the air
they were written on, as she would say about other
people's promises. After she came home. I tried staving on her, taking things out of her hands, moving to do things before she could, and constantly pleading with her to sit and rest. She bawled me out for being a
Nervous Nelly.
Trevor gave me as much help as he could with
her, and so did Echo, who probably had the most
influence. Tyler came over almost every night and we
had some fine dinners and times together. The day
after Mrs. Westington came home. Detective Temple
came to see me again and to tell us that Rhona and
Skeeter had been arraigned and a hearing before trial
was being scheduled. Skeeter was also wanted in two
other states and would be extradited to stand trial
there as well.
Despite her anger and disappointment, Mrs.
Westington suffered some quiet moments of regret
and sorrow about Rhona. She talked about the