"What do you mean? How could it possibly be
"It will help enormously to have an adult with
us, especially him because he's your uncle. There's
enough of a family resemblance to tell people he's
your father."
"No." I said sharply. "That's the ugly rumor the
twins were exploiting."
"So let's exploit it, too, only to help us and not
hurt us. If people believe it, none will question why
we are on the road and what we are trying to do. Don't
you see how perfect this is?" he asked, the strain and
frustration in his voice.
"I do. It's just..."
"Just what?"
"Just that I'm frightened. Heyden."
"To tell you the truth. Hannah, so am I. but
what should I do? Remain here and let my mother and
my sister drag me down. Or go out there and seek a
new and better life?
"And you, do you want to remain where you
are, swimming in a pool of guilt and regret, coming
home to unhappiness every day? I can tell you
firsthand what that does to you. Before long, nothing
will look good to you. You'll hate the morning
because all it will be doing is starting another
miserable day," he said and sat back again.
"Let me think about it," I relented, "Right.
Think about it," he said sharply.
My heart was pounding. When I dropped him