Now that I studied him some more as he spoke.
I realized he was driven by a frenetic neryous energy.
His eyebrows were like Mexican jumping beans and
his hands never stopped moving. Mother wasn't really
listening to the content of what he was saving or
looking at him when he spoke. She was simply too
excited and happy about his talking to care about
anything more than that.
"I'm off." I declared, interrupting him. He
hadn't taken note of my return. barely pausing to take
Now he looked up at me. his eyes growing
smaller. darker. He tilted his head as if confusion
weighed too heavily on one side.
"When did you get here?" he asked.
Mother's hands froze. She looked at me, then at
him. 'Get here? You mean. Joya del Mar?"
"Yes, of course. That is exactly what I mean."
he replied.
"A few days ago," I said. He nodded, "Grace told me you were coming back. I
understand you are going to attend a college here." "Yes, Linden. That's where I'm going now-- to
meet with my assigned advisor and set up my
schedule of classes. I thought you heard me say that
"You know we're moving back into the main
house," he said, ignoring me.
Mother brought her hands to the base of her
throat and released a small cry.
"Yes, Linden. I know and I am very happy
about it."