Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 12


Dr. Foreman's eyelids fluttered. She had what

seemed unflappable poise. That smile never faltered

as she lowered her gaze at Teal like someone lowering

the barrel of a cannon at a new target.

"For you and for the others. dear Teal, as long

as you are here, that is exactly who I will be." She waited a moment for her words to settle.

Teal shook her head and looked away.

"Now,," Dr. Foreman said, turning back to

speak to all of us. "let me begin by explaining that

you're not going to a school any way like the ones you

have attended. First, my school is at my ranch. It's a

working ranch and you will all participate in the daily chores."

"Oh, so we're really a form of cheap labor, is

that it?" Robin complained.

"Hardly cheap. Robin. For your work, you will

be given full room and board."

"Isn't my father paving you?" Teal fired at her.

"I shouldn't have to do any daily chores." she declared

staunchly, her eyes burning with arrogance. "Yes, in your case, the family is paying, but

there is much more that will be given to you than you

would get anywhere else for that amount of money."

Dr. Foreman said calmly. The arrows and darts Teal

shot at her with those fiery eves seemed to bounce off

an invisible wall of protection that surrounded her. "Like what?" Teal demanded, refusing to step

back. I saw how the girls behind Dr. Foreman glared

at Teal. They all looked eager to get their hands

around her neck and shake her head off her body. "Like my expert treatment, my therapy


ions, my proven techniques," Dr. Foreman said to

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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