Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 17

"How long do I have to stay here, live on your

ranch, and milk cows or whatever?" Teal was

definitely someone who couldn't stand being bossed


"That's entirely up to you." Dr. Foreman

replied. "Now then, there will be no more questions."

She turned to Robin and me. "No more questions from

any of you. You will all just listen and you will do

what you are told to do. Listen well, girls," she added,

her cold smile returning to those lips. "Be keen, girls,

be keen. Your comfort and happiness depend on it

like they never have before."

She stepped back, glanced at the young women

behind her, who looked excited about her firmness. I wouldn't admit it, of course, but they frightened me. I wondered if Robin's and Teal's hearts were pounding as hard as mine was now, despite the brave face

masks they wore.

We were all brought here more or less against

our will. Dr. Foreman was probably not wrong about

that. We had no one out there to help us, no one to

call, no one to come for us. I couldn't help feelingthat I was dangling in space, holding on to a thin piece

of spidery web that this strange woman, sometimes

sounding nice, sometimes sounding scary, held at the

other end. If she decided to let go, I. as well as Robin

and Teal, would fall into some darker place. What else

could we do but listen?

"Now, so there are no misunderstandings and

no whining like we're hearing." Dr. Foreman said,

glaring at Teal again. "let me be clear about what you

should expect after you leave here. At my home you

will find there are no radios, no magazines, no CDs,

and especially no television for anyone until she has

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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