Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 22

thought she was barely five feet tall. She had

shoulders like a football player and hard, sharply cut

facial features. Her dark eyes were too far apart and

her short, dull brown hair was trimmed farther back

on her forehead than that of the other two. When she

opened her mouth, I saw she had crooked teeth,

especially on the bottom.

"A new student does nothing without

permission until she is told she may do so," M'Lady

One recited.

M'Lady Two continued. "That means even

going to the bathroom. A new student does not speak

unless given permission to do so."

M'Lady Three picked up immediately when

M'Lady Two stopped. She had the deepest, coarsest

voice. "A new student learns that in the real world

nothing comes to you because it's supposed to come

to you. You earn everything: you are entitled to nothing. This is reality. Therefore, we will have reality checks periodically to determine whether or

not you have earned what you want, what you have." This means everything," they all recited. They

spoke like some c

horus that had performed these

speeches many, many times, all speaking without

much emotion, except for the underlying and

continuous threat.

"A new student knows that complaints earn

demerits. Cheating, laziness, slacking off, any of that

earns demerits." M'Lady Two said.

"And demerits put you in the Ice Room," they

all chorused.

"Thank you. Mladies," Dr. Foreman said. They

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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