Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 31

"What if they just leave us here forever? Who

would even know?" Robin queried. "There's no other

way out." Teal and I looked at each other.

"My parents would eventually find out. They

can't do that. They wouldn't dare. My mother would

sue the panties off that Dr. Foreplay or whatever she

calls herself," Teal said.

"Right, your parents are worried sick over you.

That's why they had you sent here."

"Shut up. You don't know anything about me or

my family." "Who wants to?" Robin mumbled. All I could think about was getting out of here.

Soon we'd be at each other's throat, but the hands of

whatever clock we were on were arthritic or

something. It seemed like much longer than another

hour before the door opened and the three so-called

buddies returned.

"Everyone stand in front of her desk." M'Lady

One ordered, We did so, all of us thinking the same

thing: we'll do anything to get out of here, "Okay,

here is the school prayer. You are to recite it every

morning and you are to recite it until you get it

perfect. We'll stay here as long as we have to until all

three of you have it memorized."

M'Lady Two came forward. "Repeat after me. 'I

am nothing. I am less than nothing. I am a burden to

my family and to my country. I must hate myself to

death and I must change. I must thank Dr. Foreman

for every punishment I receive.'"

Teal grimaced. "That's a prayer?"

"It's stupid," Robin agreed.

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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