Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 59

"You should let him do it," I said. "He lives here. He should know what works and what doesn't. You can be sure Dr. Foreman and her buddies won't care about your sunburn. I didn't see a nurse's office at this school."

"Quit calling it a school. It's a hellhole," Teal said.

Robin grimaced and then timidly leaned toward Natani. He began to wipe the mix over her shoulder and arm. He did the same with the other arm, then turned his hand to indicate she should let him get to the back of her neck. She closed her eyes and did so.

"How does it feel?" Teal asked.

Robin thought a moment, "Better. I think."

"Damn. I have to put mud all over me. It's not enough I have it under my nails," Teal complained, but offered her arms and her neck to Natani, who applied the mix on her. Then he put the remaining dark mush in a can and handed it to me.

"For later," he said. and I took it.

"Look at my hands!" Teal moaned, turning her palms up and then showing the blisters to us.

Natani nodded and rose. He went to his bag again and brought back another salve, which he applied to her hands and then to Robin's and mine.

"Natani!" we heard M'Lady Three scream. "Are those delicate flowers in there with you?"

"Go," he said. nodding. "You did good work today. Every day it will get easier, like a stream starting in a new direction. Soon, it flows freely."

"Just what I wanted to be all my life,," Teal said. "a stream."

"Thanks." I said. Rabin and Teal thanked him, too, and we left his hogan.

M'Lady Three was standing there with her hands on her hips. "Oh, you poor babies. Natani felt sorry for your delicate skin. I see."

"Didn't he do the same for you or weren't you as delicate?" Robin shot back at her.

Her face reddened. "That," she said, pointing at Rabin. "will cost you a demerit, smart-ass. One more and you're in the Ice Room. Now get back to your bunkhouse. It's time to clean house."

We looked at each other. Clean house? How could we

clean that barn? It had floor of straw and no real furniture. When we arrived, we saw that Teal's cot was still outside. Our other two buddies were waiting at the door.

Teal raised her hand.

"Speak." M'Lady Three said.

"Am I going to sleep out here again tonight?"

"Let's have you all decide." M'Lady Three nodded and M'Lady Two called Mindy and Gia out. "Teal here wants to sleep in the barn tonight. We're going to let you all vote. Of course, she can't vote, so it's the four of you. A tie means no."

Teal looked hopelessly at Gia and Mindy.

"Would you like to tell the voters anything before they decide?" M'Lady Two asked Teal. 'You did insult their house last night"

Teal glanced at us, lowered her head, and then nodded. "And what would that be, pray tell?" M'Lady Two asked,

Teal raised her head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult the barn or any of you. Please let me sleep inside tonight." she begged.

The buddies looked self-satisfied. I, as well as Robin and Teal. I was sure. wished I could smother them.

"Okay, then," M'Lady Two said. "All in favor of Teal being permitted to return to the barn. raise your hands."

Robin and I lifted our arms quickly. Mindy and Gia looked as if they were still not going to vote for Teal, but after a second more, slowly lifted their arms.

"Well, then. Teal, you and your friends can bring your cot back inside. You all have an hour before dinner. You are to wash down your cots and wash the barn windows. Gia and Mindy have done their part. They brought the soap and water and the rags into the barn for you," M'Lady Three said.

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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