Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 77

This time I knew it wasn't my imagination. I did hear someone crying.

It was me.

I cried myself to sleep just as I used to when I was a little girl and no one came to my bedside when I had nightmares or fears. It made me think I was going backward, getting younger and younger, One morning I would wake up in here and I would be an infant.

I had no idea how or when I fell asleep. but I did. The morning light was like an alarm bell. Everyone groaned and rose before M'Lady Two opened the door to announce we were to line up outside like troops. When we dressed and stepped into the unrelenting sunshine, w

e were made to recite our prayer as usual, then told to march over to the barn for our individual assignments for whitewashing the cow barn. Each of us would be responsible for a specific section. Cans of paint were open and ready with the rollers. Ladders had been set up as well,

"Try not to make a mess of things," M'Lady Three said. "Breakfast in two hours. Get started."

We began our halfhearted attack on the sides of the barn. Teal was the first to wail complaints. She splattered herself with some paint and moaned about its getting into what was left of her hair. The mess wasn't what made it terrible, however. I think they deliberately chose to have us begin on the east side of the barn. That way the rising sun would be sending its hot darts into us the whole time. In a matter of minutes, everyone looked drained and defeated; even Mindy and Gia were feeling it more than usual. Mindy trembled so badly on her ladder, it rattled.

At one point she turned and looked at Robin. Teal, and me angrily. The fury in her face made me uneasy. I couldn't stand being stared at so hatefully. "What is your problem. Mindy?" I asked.

"Ill tell you my problem. They're only making us do this because of you three and the stupid things you do. Robin starts a fight with me and Teal tries to run off. You break plates, talk back. I know Dr. Foreman believes we should all share the punishment. I know how she thinks. It applies to everyone, anyone, no matter who she is and what she has or has not done. So thanks."

"Stop it." Gia told her, "You know you're not going to make it any better for any of us by bitching. No one here knows it better than you. Mindy."

Mindy was quiet again, but she didn't like it. Her strokes were harder, her anger pouring down through her arm,

"I don't care how you think." Teal told Mindy. "Or you. Gia. I'm not sorry I ran off. I almost made it."

"Oh, really. You almost made it. Teal? Made it to what?" Gia asked,

"To a phone. My father would have come for me."

"Your father?" Mindy said. laughing. "I heard your story. Your father put you here, just like mine put me here."

Teal looked at me and Robin and then turned back to Mindy. "Your father did this to you also?"

"Just work and shut up," Mindy said. "You've made enough trouble for us."

"What did you do? What's the big secret. Mindy? You know everything we did, why we're here." Teal turned to Gia. "What did she do that's so much worse than what you did or what I did?"

Gia paused and looked at Mindy as if she had never considered it from that viewpoint before.

"Yes. Mindy, what did you do?" she teased. "Shut up. Gia. Just keep your mouth shut." "She did a lot of things with a lot of boys."

"Shut up. I said." Mindy's anger made her wobble again an her ladder.

"And a baby."

"Shut up!" she screamed so hard and so loudly, her face turned crimson.

We heard a door slam and M'Lady Two came out of the house. Gia turned quickly and began working again. We all did the same. Mindy, still fuming, stared needles and pins at Gia and then shot them at us.

"What's going on here? More talk than work? Well? You should have had more done by now. Teal."

"I'm still weak and tired from being sick. I shouldn't have to do this."

"You'll be sicker yet if you don't do your fair share." M'Lady Two warned. "I want to see you all double what you've done by the time I return. understand? Otherwise, plans for the day might be changed, radically changed, and you won't like it, believe me."

She stood there watching us for a moment, then walked back to the house.

"Thanks. Gia," Mindy muttered.

Gia said nothing. None of us did. Her words had left our imaginations to run loose and I could see it on the faces of Teal and Robin; they weren't just running loose, they were galloping through every possible horrifying scenario involving a baby.

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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