Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 81

"No. I mean..." She looked toward me for some help, but I looked away.

With a look of great patience. Dr. Foreman turned to Mindy, who was smiling gleefully at Robin's discomfort.

"Why would Robin think you were my spy, Mindy?"

Mindy's smile wilted. "I don't know." she muttered.

"Well, you said something that gave them this ridiculous idea, didn't you? What sort of things were you telling them?"

"I didn't tell them anything." she cried defensively. Then she pointed at me. "Phoebe was telling them that you had microphones secretly placed all over the place."

"Microphones?" Dr. Foreman smiled, "You really believe that, Phoebe?"

"Sometimes it seems like it. Gia's always saying I shouldn't be asking questions."

"Oh. You didn't tell them I have microphones all over the place, did you. Gia?"

"No. She's exaggerating. She's just a big mouth and I was trying to tell her she would get herself and someone else, maybe all of us, into trouble if she didn't keep that mouth shut." Gia fixed her eyes angrily

on me.

"So why didn't you write her name on the paper?" Dr. Foreman shot back at her like a prosecutor in a courtroom.

"I should have," Gia replied without hesitation, glaring at me. "I'd like to change my vote in fact, from Teal to Phoebe."

"Phoebe, what do you say to all this?"

"Gia's just being vicious and spiteful. I know she thinks Teal is the weakest."

"Maybe she's not. Maybe it was courageous to try to escape like that." Robin muttered like someone thinking aloud.

I spun on her. "You don't believe that. You're just trying to kiss up."

"Don't tell me what I believe and what I don't believe, and I don't kiss up." Robin smiled at me, her lips twisting toward the right corner of her mouth. "I'll tell you what I don't believe. I don't believe you when you say you only hurt that boy with a statue. I bet you weren't really just defending yourself. I even think you killed him."


"What are you saying, Robin?" Dr. Foreman asked.

"She told us she's here because she hit someone and supposedly put him in the hospital, but I'm beginning to wonder if that was all that really happened and if it really happened the way she said it did. She makes herself seem like such a goody-goody while the rest of us admit to doing bad things. That's not honest, is it. Dr Foreman?"

All of them were looking at me.

"Is that true. girls? Does Phoebe make herself out to be a victim?"

"Yes," Teal said. "She does."

"What do you think. Mindy? Could Phoebe have been the right choice?"


"Is that right? You're the one who's always warning everyone. You're the one who might be the most afraid and weak here." I practically shouted at her. "You're the one who talks about this Posy."

I immediately felt the heat rise up in the room. Mindy sank in her chair and looked quickly at Dr. Foreman. Gia, who never looked afraid, suddenly had eyes filled with terror.

"Is that so. Mindy? You talk about Posy?" Dr. Foreman looked more at Gia, who quickly shifted her eyes away guiltily.

"No." Mindy said. "I don't."

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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