Midnight Flight (Broken Wings 2) - Page 87

because she didn't want me to think she was getting

any special treatment. That was a good laugh. If

anything. I was getting special treatment, not her, but

she always had to have a rosy excuse for everything,"

Gia said bitterly. "Rosy lies. I should say."

"I don't get it," Robin said. "If she didn't tell

you herself first and neither of them showed how they

were related, how would you know?" She looked

poised to hear Gia insult her again, but instead. Gia

looked at Mindy, who shook her head.

"What difference will it make now if they

know." Gia asked her. "One of them is sure to betray

you know that."

"I always thought she knew anyway. Mindy.

Was I wrong?" Gia asked, her eyes small and fixed on


"What's that supposed to mean?" "You know

what it means."

"No. I don't," Mindy said, looking around as if

searching for a way out.

"Sure you don't," Gia said, twisting her lips. "What's going on?" Teal asked me. "What are

they talking about now?"

I shook my head. "What is going on. Gia?" She thought for a long moment, then shrugged,

"Oh, what difference does it make anymore?" she

muttered. "It was my idea to do it. I'll admit to that. I

was bored." she offered as a defense, "I wasn't here all

that long, but it was obvious to me it was going to be

a drag. The early nights, lights out, no television or

radios or anything, just work and studies and those

damn therapy sessions, those questions, prodding,

Tags: V.C. Andrews Broken Wings Horror
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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